Chapter 29 - Date

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It was another weekday, which meant the classic cycle. Getting up in the morning, getting through morning classes, lunch time, afternoon classes, and finally training for the final school show.

Hyunjin stayed in the studio where they had their last class and waited for the first-years while Felix was supposed to go train the second-years at the dance studio upstairs. Hyunjin dried his forehead with a towel and looked curiously at Felix, who kept his eyes on him.

In short, Felix was fascinated by how irresistible Hyunjin is after training. When he drank water thirstily and tilted his head so that his entire neck was exposed. Or when sweat was running down his body and his chest was heaving rapidly up and down with heavy breathing. Even though he was sweaty, he smelled good. And Felix tried his best to focus on the dance, and not on his dirty thoughts of Hyunjin bending over him like this, sweaty and out of breath.

They hadn't gone any further than kissing and using their hands to pleasure themselves, and Felix wouldn't even think of pushing Hyunjin into anything he wasn't comfortable with. Still, he couldn't help thinking about how he wanted to feel Hyunjin's lips around him, or to have him inside and be even closer to him. This made the silver haired boy's heart pound wildly and his breath catch. He didn't even notice that he was silently staring at the blond who was asking him with a look what he was up to.

"I want to kiss you so bad." Felix blurted out but immediately covered his mouth and looked around with Hyunijn to see if anyone had heard him.

"Not now, Lix." He disagreed and gave the silver-haired a sad face. He wanted it as much as he did. It had been a long time since they spent quality time with each other. But now, between classes, when anyone can walk into the dance studio and catch them, wasn't quite the right time.

"Then when?" Felix asked desperately, flames of desire burning in his eyes. He wanted to feel Hyunjin, no matter what.

"Soon, I promise." The blond comforted him and raised his hand as if to caress Felix's cheek, but immediately quickly lowered it again along his body. The door to the dance studio flew open and a bunch of first year girls were standing in it. With Jae in the lead.

Felix eyed her suspiciously as her mouth spread into a wide smile as she greeted them both. His heart sank into his stomach as he realized that she would now be here with Hyunjin for a full hour and a half while he was gone.

"So, after training? I'll pick you up here?" Felix turned to Hyunjin, subtly following up on their previous conversation.

"After training. I promise." Hyunjin nodded and whispered the last sentence to let the silver-haired know that he wanted to kiss him too. Only later, when they're both safe.


Felix gave the second-years a ten minute break and sat down by himself, sipping cold water, absent minded. Because he was wandering in his memories of a few days earlier when he had that strange conversation with Jae. He found it strange that she was calling Hyunjin by his nickname 'Jinnie', but he eventually got over it and didn't pay much attention to it. He thought he was just being paranoid. Unfortunately, the next day, Jae was waiting for Felix at his locker. At first, he thought that she was waiting for him for purely professional reasons, because of the final school performance for example.

"Hi Felix." She greeted him with a warm smile that lit up her entire face. She really was very pretty, or so Felix thought. He wasn't at all surprised that she was so popular in her year.

"Hey Jae, do you need anything?" He asked her and quickly returned the smile.

"Actually, I'd like to ask you something." She admitted, looking down at her feet. Felix could've sworn she was blushing a little. What's going on?

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