Chapter 15 - Room 143

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Hyunjin watched the Felix's freckles and wished he had something so interesting on his face as well. Or not really, he only found it interesting on Felix's face. He met his eyes for a moment, his dark brown eyes were perhaps even darker as his pupils dilated. Hyunjin thought that he was probably scaring Felix a little with that stare, so he stepped back from him.

"Um, yeah, I didn't really like them when I was little." Felix said in a muffled voice. Brunette didn't comment on that much, but in the back of his mind he wondered what Felix must've looked like when he was little. If he was always so smiley and friendly. He had already told him that he was a hyperactive child who made up different shows for his family and got into dancing because of that. The complete opposite of Hyunjin, who shied away from being the center of attention and had trouble even saying hello.

Felix began to look around the room as the mad desire to kiss Hyunjin and fulfill his dream disappeared. He was actually very interested in what Hyunjin was really like when he was alone. What is he still doing in this room? He imagined him sleeping in the bed that was in the corner or doing his homework at one of the desks.

"Take a seat." Hyunjin urged him, pointing to his unmade bed. Felix was surprised that his half of the room was far messier than Jisung's, and that was really something. Clothes, textbooks and food wrappers were lying everywhere. He imagined that Hyunjin would be far more organized for someone who took dancing so seriously. Honestly – Felix wouldn't want him as a roommate and was glad that the only one messing up their room was Jeongin.

Hyunjin watched as the silver haired boy sat down on the only part of the bed that didn't have stuff on it and thought how unnatural the sight was. He never had anyone in his room except Jisung. Brunette wasn't shy and copied Felix's actions, pulling out of the notebook the homework that he didn't have in today's class.

"Well, I'll finish this, and you can start copying my notes." Hyunjin handed him the notebook back.

"Well... And where should I write it down? I didn't expect that..." Felix explained but was interrupted by Hyunjin who handed him one of his blank notebooks that he was blessed with. He always bought new ones with the intention of filling them with drawings, but he doesn't really have the time to draw like he used to, so they sit empty and gather dust.

They both worked in silence for a while before Felix was the first to break the silence again.

"Can we play some music?" He suggested. The brunette looked up from his homework, which he was rereading and honestly it didn't seem like a bad idea.

"Anything specific?" Hyunjin asked the silver haired one as he unlocked his phone.

"No no, play something you like." Felix urged him, curious about the tall boy's taste in music. Hyunjin scrolled through the app for a while, carefully choosing something that people might like in general, including Felix. But then he told himself that he didn't need to pretend and turned on his most current playlist. Still, he blushed slightly when the melody of Lana Del Rey's Young and Beautiful came on, preferring to focus on writing his assignment.

Felix stopped copying notes at that moment. He never imagined Hyunjin listening to Lana, but for some reason it made a lot of sense. He looked at him as he bent over his homework, focused, still tucking his hair behind his ears, while he couldn't help but hum the song to himself, bobbing his head back and forth to the beat. This is how Hyunjin is when he's alone. The sight of him was very reassuring to Felix.

The freckled boy decided to continue copying the notes and when he turned the page he was surprised by a drawing. There were detailed hands in several different poses. His eyes widened in astonishment.

"Did you draw this?" Felix asked, showing Hyunjin the page he had completely forgotten about. Hyunjin just nodded as if it was no big deal, "You really are good at everything." Felix breathed out.

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