Chapter 34 - Do you trust me?

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When Felix arrived at the dorm to collect his things and announce to his roommates that he would be staying at Hyunjin's for the rest of the weekend to organize the final show and play Among Us, he thought his excuse was completely bulletproof.

He was lucky that both Jeongin and Seungmin were too hungover to question him. In fact, they would have preferred that he didn't say anything to them because they both had such a headache. So Felix quietly packed some spare clothes and paused for a moment as he reached for his cosmetic bag, where he originally just wanted to grab a toothbrush. It also had a bottle of lubricant and condoms in it. He came to the exchange program really prepared. He had no idea why he had thought to bring this with him, but now he was glad he did because he happened to get the hottest guy in school.

So instead of just a toothbrush, he packed quietly the whole cosmetic bag, and all sorts of ideas ran through his head. For example, how to reward Hyunjin for the boyfriend title he gave to himself at lunch today. Felix was determined to show him what's in him and show him that he too could be the dominant one.


Hyunjin was still in a positive mood from his meeting with Jae. Yes, it was a big risk that someone knows, but for some reason he trusted her. If she saw them already in the morning, she probably had several opportunities to tell someone, but she didn't. Not only did she wish him good luck with Felix and accept him, but she showed herself to be the bigger person. Plus, this way he got rid of a problem that was obviously bothering Felix a lot. Jae won't bother him anymore.

He was so happy about it that he even started cleaning the room before Felix arrived to make him feel as comfortable as possible. Now nothing will stand in the way of their perfect weekend together. Hyunjin was merrily humming some tune and preparing some snacks in the form of chips and candies for them to eat while watching their favorite movies when there was a knock on the door.

"Long time no see." The silver-haired behind the door smiled at him.

"What can I say, you must be obsessed with me." Hyunjin replied confidently, running a hand through his hair and deliberately denying Felix a welcome kiss.

"You think so? Well, we'll see." Felix said mysteriously, placing his bag strategically close to the bed.

Hyunjin sat down on the bed and opened his laptop which he immediately found Netflix on and patted the spot next to him to make Felix sit down. He listened to him and after a while he was looking over his shoulder at the selection of movies.

"I hate choosing movies, I never know what to play." Hyunjin complained. Felix honestly didn't care what they'll watch because he wasn't planning on paying attention to the movie anyway.

"Just click 'play something', you'll save yourself the trouble." He advised as he stretched out on the bed. Hyunjin nodded and clicked the said button and laid down next to his boyfriend.

"Forrest Gump? What is that?" Hyunjin frowned at the title of the movie.

"What!? You don't know Forrest Gump?" It was a shock for Felix, he would have expected that almost everyone had seen this movie. If not for his ulterior motives, he would have forced Hyunjin to watch the entire movie before touching him. But he honestly had very little will for that.

"Jeez, calm down, I'll watch it now." Hyunjin groaned in annoyance, watching the movie intently.


It didn't take long for him to understand the meaning of 'netflix and chill' again when Felix started to snuggle up to him after a while and draped his leg over him. Hyunjin really liked the movie and really tried to concentrate on it, but it was getting very difficult. Especially when Felix started moving his leg to rub against Hyunjin's crotch.

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