Chapter 24 - Don't look at me like that

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There were so many unsaid things between the two of them, yet there was an awkward silence in the room. Hyunjin was too shy to speak. Whether it was because of the way he looks or because he avoided Felix for no good reason. And Felix had his pride again and even though he pretended that everything was fine, he was angry with Hyunjin.

"Let's get down to it then?" The silver-haired said finally as he took out the toner and purple shampoo from the shopping bag.

"Yeah. What will you need for that?" Hyunjin answered immediately.

"Well, to get your head wet. Shall we move it to the bathroom?" He thought out loud. Hyunjin nodded, took only a towel, keys and phone in his hand and head out to the shared bathroom in the hallway together. As much as Felix wanted to seem unavailable, he felt heat rushing over his body as he walked into the bathroom with Hyunjin where one of his wet dreams was taking place. Yes, dreams, since then he had dreamed of Hyunjin more than once.

Felix had to look away as Hyunjin took off his shirt to avoid getting it wet and stuck his head under the shower. No, he can't fall for him again that easily. Now he wants a proper explanation why Hyunjin cut him off after all this. So, he started preparing the toner on one of the sinks, trying to ignore the fact that Hyunjin didn't bother to put the shirt back on and just draped a towel over his shoulders.

"Um, sit over there." Felix pointed to one of the benches by the showers, his eyes fixed on the floor. Even Hyunjin didn't have it easy, he didn't feel the same in Felix's presence anymore. When they faced each other and Felix couldn't meet his eyes, he thought he looked extremely cute. And that he'd prefer to grab his chin and make him look him in the eyes before kissing him.

No, he can't think about that right now. He can't think about it at all. Period.

He followed Felix's instructions and sat down on the bench. The silver haired one walked up to him and took a deep breath to focus better as he parted Hyunjin's yellow hair. Felix's fingers in his hair sent a wave of electric shocks through his entire body, which is why he almost didn't even notice that he started talking to him.

"Aren't you afraid I'll fuck it up even more?" Felix tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

"Nothing can be worse than this. Besides, I entrusted my hair to Jisung and everyone can handle it better than him." Hyunjin joked back and Felix chuckled slightly, it really must've been a funny picture. He and Jisung getting drunk in the bathroom and bleaching hair.

"Don't worry, I dare to say I'm already an expert at this. This silver hair does not maintain itself. It happened to me too after the first few bleachings." He reassured Hyunjin, who imagined Felix with yellow hair. He was still handsome in his imagination anyway.

"I'm glad. But honestly, I probably wouldn't blame you if you wanted to fuck it up on purpose." Hyunjin said out of the blue. Felix paused while applying the toning shade, waiting for Hyunjin to say something next.

"Why?" He asked when Hyunjin was silent.

"Because I didn't text you back after... that." He muttered almost inaudibly. Felix was quiet. He couldn't think of a way to answer that. He just applied the rest of the mixture to Hyunjin's hair and set a timer on his phone. The silence unsettled Hyunjin. Just as he thought, he screwed up. He regretted going through with the sexting in the first place. It just ruined everything they built up.

"You should go rinse it off and wash it with that purple shampoo." Felix finally spoke and Hyunjin obeyed him again. Felix was cleaning up the mess they had made in the bathroom with the products and wondering what would happen next. After all, he already helped Hyunjin, he should go, but he doesn't want to. Hyunjin decided it for him.

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