Chapter 38 - We need to talk

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"Wait, wait, wait." Felix found the strength to resist his boyfriend's lips, which were now desperately trying to get under his shirt.

But Hyunjin had tunnel vision and couldn't resist placing a few more wet kisses on Felix's chest. Felix's scent, hot skin, and his rapid breathing made it much harder for Hyunjin to try to stop.

"Hyunjin..." Felix breathed out again, half aroused and half urgent.

So Hyunjin stopped, propped up himself on his hands and faced Felix.

"Is something wrong?" He asked looking into his eyes.

"No, nothing, I really like it. Just..." Felix felt embarrassed when the blond looked at him lustfully.

"Just what?" Hyunjin repeated after him when no more words came out of Felix.

"I was just wondering if we could wait until the evening. I want to spend time with you in other ways, if you don't mind?" The silver haired boy looked away and started nervously playing with the hem of Hyunjin's shirt. Hyunjin just watched as Felix nervously bit his lip and he slowly smiled.

"Of course. Whatever you want, Sunshine." He whispered in his ear and kissed his forehead. Felix happily kissed Hyunjin on the lips and they both began to lose themselves in the intensity of the kiss again.

"But if you don't stop being so cute..." Hyunjin started telling him between kisses. "And doing these things to me..." Another kiss. "Then I'll change my mind." One last kiss.

"Okay, okay. That's enough." Felix laughed, grabbing Hyunjin's shoulders and pulling him away.

When both sat up on the bed and finally pulled away from each other, it was a clear sign for Kkami to jump onto the bed right between them. Hyunjin gently stroked his long fur while Felix looked around the blue painted room.

There were several books in the bookcase under the window, mostly poetry and art books. Right next to the bed, Hyunjin had a desk, on which he had laid out his art supplies, a camera, and some of his drawings, paintings and a few photos were pinned up on the wall above it. Felix stood up to get a better look.

Again, he was amazed at how talented Hyunjin was at painting. When you combine that with the fact that he can also dance perfectly and looks the way he does, he's like a walking work of art. Felix also looked at the photos, some of them depicted nature, he also found a photo of Kkami, and then there was a photobooth photos with Jisung, who took up much more space in the photos than Hyunjin. Except for the last photo, Hyunjin was head locking him and smiling cheerfully there. Felix laughed.

"We were at the amusement park together that day, he was really insistent that we take a picture. We didn't have much money with us anymore and instead of food we bought the photos. How I regretted it when our stomachs rumbled on the bus." Hyunjin shared his memory when he saw the direction Felix was looking.

"That sounds like you two. And those photos of nature?'

"I like to go for walks and sometimes I take pictures. I mostly use it as a template or an inspiration for my paintings."

"Now seriously, is there anything you can't do?" Felix tossed his hands in disbelief.

"Probably not." Hyunjin flipped his hair with his hand cockily and Felix jokingly rolled his eyes at that.

Felix was fiddling with art supplies and Hyunjin's stomach growling broke the silence in the room.

"Wow, what was that?" Felix just had to comment.

Hyunjin shyly clutched his stomach and began to laugh nervously.

"Guess it's time to see what mom cooked for us." He said towards the silver-haired and he just nodded.

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