Chapter 36 - Future

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A random student at the Academy of Performing Arts would have had a great day, he passed his first final exam and rushed to the dorm to celebrate. But he collided at full speed with this short boy with silver hair who wasn't looking where he's going.

"Hey! Watch out!" The unknown boy yelled at Felix and walked on with an angry face. Felix wasn't paying attention to his feet because he was reading messages from his boyfriend that were going in a very interesting direction.

"Sorry." He apologized with a slight bow and tucked his phone into the back pocket of his jeans, this time focusing on his way to Chan and Changbin's apartment

He breathed in the warm May air that smelled of blossoming trees and enjoyed the short walk. During the whole school year, he became very fond of Seoul. He will miss it here. His heart grew heavy, and his chest tightened as he imagined that in a month he would probably be walking around Sydney. He has to start working things out with Hyunjin. How will things continue with them? They don't have much time left and they both act as if nothing is happening.

He put on a happy expression as he rang the doorbell and after a short buzz, he was able to walk into the main entrance of the building where his friends lived.

"Lixie!" He was greeted by Chan, who was typically standing in the doorway already waiting for his Aussie bro to appear in the elevator.

"Hey Channie!" An extreme joy suddenly welled up inside Felix as he saw his friend's dimpled smile. He didn't realize it until this moment, but he really missed Chan. So he jumped around his neck and started jumping with happiness.

"You're vibrating!" Chan laughed as he held the hyperactive sunshine in his arms. He too missed Felix very much. He thought of him as his younger brother, he grew so fond of him and saw so much of himself in him.

"My special attack." Felix answered him in a cute tone.

After a while they finally moved inside the apartment, Felix just hollered a quick hello to Changbin who had purposely isolated himself in his bedroom so he could finally have some time to himself. He was wearing a facial mask and watching a BLACKPINK documentary on Netflix with a stony expression. Felix had to laugh at the sight but let Changbin live and moved into the living room to Chan, who was already turning on the PlayStation.

"Would you like something to drink?" Chan asked as he handed Felix the controller and ran into the kitchen showing him the inside of the fridge.

"Just a Diet Coke, thanks."

Chan handed him a can, took one himself, and piled some potato chips and candy on the table. Meanwhile, Felix picked one of the multiplayer games the boys had and started playing. Felix was glad, he hadn't played for a long time. Mostly all he thought about was school, grades, the final show, and Hyunjin.

So he attributed his first losses to the fact that he was out of practice. But Chan teased him that he was simply too good.

Chan invited Felix mainly so that he could talk to him in peace, so he told him after the tenth match that they would take a break from playing.

"So, what's new?" He asked Felix as he scooped up a handful of chips.

"Well, Mr. Yi is really giving me hard time. I was supposed to do a presentation, but he kept reminding me that he didn't understand me and that my pronunciation was wrong. As far as I know, he's the one to talk, even people who grew up in Korea don't understand him." Felix firstly talked about his school troubles, but that wasn't what Chan had in mind.

"No no no. Felix. That's not what I asked." He stopped him and put a hand briefly on his shoulder.

Felix grew quiet and serious. He watched Chan's face, wondering what he wanted to hear from him. He realized what he was thinking about, but he couldn't tell him anything. He couldn't betray Hyunjin's trust.

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