Chapter 20 - How can I make it up to you?

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That message from Felix unleashed something neither of them expected. From that moment on, their families never saw them without a phone in hand. Their conversations started innocently enough. They both talked about what they had been doing in the past few days, Hyunjin sent Felix pictures of Kkami and Felix sent some pictures of the beach. Hyunjin envied the warm weather and thought that even the country Felix came from naturally suited him. As if everything around him was bathed in sunlight. They sent each other favorite songs, choreographies and drew inspiration this way. Both really enjoyed texting like this. Maybe even more than Christmas mood with the family.

They also managed to snoop around each other's profiles the very night they started following each other. Felix looked at each photo for an unhealthy amount of time, especially Hyunjin's latest selfie. The one he took before he left the dorm to go back home. Unlike Felix, Hyunjin had far fewer photos on his profile, rather he posted photos of nature, his drawings, or Kkami. But this fact didn't bother Hyunjin at all because he enjoyed having so much content with Felix to look at. From his initial cringe photos from puberty to the present, where Felix is laughing with his friends, sisters, or posing in an outfit worthy of an Instagram model. It was strange, like he had another window into his life so he could get a better idea of what kind of person he was.

They texted as soon as they woke up and only finished when they went to bed. The night before Christmas, they had a perfectly normal conversation that was to have an unexpected outcome. Felix just kept sending Hyunjin one tiktok after another until there was just a series of links in a row.

Have you looked at the tiktoks I've been sending you?

9:34 p.m.

What are you doing there?

9:40 p.m.

I'm trying to draw but I have absolutely no idea what

9:40 p.m.

Omg draw me please

9:41 p.m.

Normally, this is something that every artist hates

9:41 p.m.

Lol why?

9:41 p.m.

Because everyone thinks that if you can draw,

then it's so easy for you,

and that you want to draw them and their friends

Like you're a drawing monkey

9:42 p.m.

Aaaah, I see


9:42 p.m.

Don't be

I just wanted to add that if it's you, I'll give it a try

9:43 p.m.


Omg I'm so excited!

9:43 p.m.

Send me a photo of yourself for reference

And don't be offended if you don't look alike

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