Chapter 19 - A friend request

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For the first few days of holidays, Hyunjin was enjoying his new lifestyle. He slept well, ate regularly, cuddled with Kkami, went on trips with his parents, and even found time to draw. But as the days passed, he had to admit that he was bored. Right now, he was alone in the apartment, his parents were at work, and he was having breakfast quietly. The only source of noise here was Kkami begging for strawberries that Hyunjin was eating.

When he finished his breakfast, he washed the dishes and stretched with a sigh. What now?

He thought he could text Jisung. After all, he himself offered everyone to text him if they had time and nothing to do. So, he picked up his phone and opened a chat with Jisung's profile picture.

18th Dec 22:51

Hey, what are you up to?

Do you wanna hang out?

Hi! Sorry, I already have some plans... 😔

Really? What plans?

I agreed with Minho that we'll go
eat something, watch a movie etc.

Sounds good!

And why can't I go with you?😏

Do you have a...


Hyunjin laughed as he saw the icon that Jisung was writing appear and disappear several times. Normally he would have let it go or not even cared, but he had nothing better to do and teasing Jisung was fun.


We'll just hANG OUT

THAT'S the whole thinG???


That took you 4 minutes to write?

Why so many exclamation points and question marks?

Are you nervous?😏


That's why you can't go with us

I'm just kidding

Have a great time!

(and let me know if you had your first kiss)

Thanks Jin! We'll hang out next time! ✌️

(And fuck you!)

Hyunjin didn't text back anymore. He was happy he killed a few minutes of time and had a good time at his friend's expense, but it didn't solve his original problem. He switched through the channels on the TV for a while, then surfed the internet, watched a few videos on oil painting, and then just lay limply on the couch.

What are others doing now?

Brunette looked on Instagram out of curiosity. Jisung just posted a story. It would've been an ordinary mirror selfie, but Hyunjin knew Jisung too well by then to know that he was wearing his best clothes and was really trying to look good.

"Who is over-dressed for a casual event now?" Hyunjin said to himself amusedly, grinned and sent a heart to Jisung. After that, he also saw the Changbin's story, who filmed the meal he was eating with his sister at a restaurant. Other stories have been from people from high school that he doesn't see anymore, or from artists he follows. He wanted to go from the stories to the main page where he got suggestions of people he might want to follow, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw that familiar freckled face smiling like a sunshine in his profile picture.

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