Chapter 26 - Where are those two?

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Felix breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to the dorm and Jeongin and Seungmin weren't there. They had to sleep at Chan and Changbin's place. He didn't think about how he could explain where he had been all night without revealing their relationship with Hyunjin.

The silver haired boy touched his lips as he remembered last night and this morning. Being alone like this, he still couldn't believe that all of this had really happened. Now he had no doubt that Hyunjin is having a crush on him too.

He was preparing what he'd wear for the evening - a white shirt that had a few buttons unobtrusively undone and plain jeans. He completed the whole outfit with a choker made of black fabric, a belt and dangling earrings were a must. He looked proudly at the clothes and accessories lying on his bed when Seungmin and I.N walked in.

"How come you disappeared so quickly yesterday?" Seungmin asked instead of greeting him as I.N hugged Felix tightly.

"Yeah, we didn't even have time to talk properly." Jeongin whined. Felix had flashbacks to yesterday again and nervously ruffled Jeongin's hair.

"I was really tired. I went to sleep. And we have all day to talk, don't we?" Felix suggested.

"That's right, there's still plenty of time until the evening. So, where are my gifts from Australia?" Seungmin asked shamelessly, extending his empty hands to the silver-haired.

"Seungmin! How can you ask such a cheeky question!?" I.N laughed in shock and finally let go of Felix. Seungmin's arms were still reaching out, but he also had a smile on his face that revealed his braces.

"Fine, fine, of course I brought you something." Felix stepped back and rummaged through his travel bag with a laugh.


"What?" The blonde-haired asked squirrel-like brunette who was squinting at him in the doorway.

"What, what?" Jisung repeated after him.

"What's the matter?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow in question.

"I met Felix on the way here." He stated significantly.

"So what?" The blond asked again with faked disinterest.

"Was he here?"

Hyunjin was silent for a moment. He knew it was stupid to deny that he hadn't seen Felix at all, it would sound even more suspicious. But then he thought of a way to talk himself out of it without it being a complete lie.

"Yeah, he was. He was helping to save my hair." Hyunjin admitted, pointing at his new hair color. His roommate eyed him suspiciously. He expected a spicier explanation, but this was a bulletproof argument, Hyunjin had proof to back it up.

"Ah, so you're on good terms again?" Jisung asked. If he remembered correctly, he had last told him in his bathroom how things weren't right between them.

"Yeah, everything is as before." Hyunjin smiled lightly at those words. Well, not everything is as before. It's actually much better now because Hyunjin can kiss Felix for example. He felt his breath hitch just at the thought and had to start focusing on something else.

"Stop standing there stupidly and come and advise me on what to wear." He addressed Jisung, who was still in the doorway, analyzing any of the blond's movements.


Felix had a good time with his roommates Seungmin and Jeongin playing Mario Kart with a twist. The two who finish last must drink a shot of alcohol chosen by the winner. He hadn't expected to be so distracted as soon as the blond walked into the apartment. The sight of him tortured him. And even more so the fact that he can't come up to him and kiss him now.

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