Chapter 44 - Fire and water

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Hyunjin blamed himself for even trying to convince Felix to help him with the final show. What did he think? That he will miraculously change his mind? Sure.

At that moment when he called Felix, he was not well at all considering that he passed out earlier. But now he got some sleep and all he felt was incredible rage.

"How can he be so irresponsible!? I am selfish!? I'm working my ass off just so we don't embarrass ourselves as a dance major at final school celebration! He's the selfish one here!" He had been cursing loudly for several minutes while trying to eat the delivery food that Jisung had ordered for him. He just sat on his bed and watched the nervous blonde guy, about whom he worried more and more every day.

"Did you tell him that it's too much for you to handle and that you passed out?" Jisung asked him with a tired expression. This was the order of the day. He always listened to Hyunjin yell or cry and then they went to sleep. But it was slowly taking away Jisung's life force. He didn't even feel like making any light-hearted jokes anymore.

"Pffft! Like I'd help myself with that! He doesn't care." He rolled his eyes as if to let Jisung know he was stupid for even asking.

"I've never seen more stubborn people than you two." Jisung couldn't take it anymore. He was losing his patience.

"Us two? Felix yes, but me? As far as I know, I decided to finally contact him, and it didn't pay off very well!" Hyunjin defended himself with a mouth full of food.

"Yeah Hyunjin, you two. Neither of you can admit your mistake and get over it. Have you ever thought that maybe you overreacted a bit and that if you had just admitted that you were together that day, things would have been completely different now!?" Jisung raised his voice at him and Hyunjin shut his mouth.

He chewed his food in silence, thinking about what Jisung had told him. Of course, he thought of it. He went back to that moment over and over, imagining different scenarios that could have happened. He imagined what it would be like if he hadn't run away from that apartment and decided to face it. Now he knew he could trust the boys. Even though they knew, and they could spill it out because they're probably mad at him for hurting Felix, nothing was spread at school. If he just admitted it, he'd probably have a fight with Felix for revealing their secret, but they'd still be together.

But Hyunjin's ego wouldn't allow him to admit that his friend was right.

"How come you don't understand me in this? You kept it from me too. Wouldn't you be mad at Minho if he told me behind your back?" Hyunjin finally answered him.

"Yeah, probably. But loving him is stronger." He protested immediately.

"I still can't believe that Felix revealed this to both Chan and Changbin. How careless of him" Hyunjin remarked, shaking his head in disbelief, ignoring Jisung's answer.

"Well, to be honest, you're not the best at covering your tracks either." Jisung wanted Hyunjin to stop blaming everything on Felix and decided to use his secret weapon. "I knew before those two did. Close your laptop next time. How careless of you." Jisung added in a mocking tone.

Hyunjin was silent for a moment before realizing the meaning of Jisung's words. He immediately remembered the moment he went to the bathroom that night and left his laptop on the table with an open conversation with Felix. God, he's so stupid.

"How dare you invade my privacy and read my messages!?" Hyunjin immediately screamed at him.

"I'm just saying you should think twice before you start judging Felix for how careless he was for confiding in his closest friends. And now shut up, I'm going to watch Howl's Moving Castle." Jisung shrugged, not at all sorry for what he just said. On the contrary, he was very relieved. Maybe Hyunjin will finally wake up. He put on his headphones and started watching said animated movie.

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