Chapter 25 - What now?

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It was still dark outside when Felix woke up startled. He not only woke himself, but also his beautiful blonde company.

"Is something wrong?" Hyunijn asked in a sleepy voice into the darkness. His eyes were still closed, and he was reaching for Felix, who had moved away from him as he woke up.

"No, nothing, I guess I was just scared that I was supposed to be at school." He chuckled softly and immediately went back into the reaching arms.

"You're supposed to be here." With those words, Hyunjin hugged him tightly from behind and buried his face into his neck, enjoying Felix's scent and his warmth.

The silver-haired one was grinning from ear to ear in the dark. It wasn't a dream. It really happened. He lies here in a loving embrace with the boy he had longed for so long. He wiggled happily, snuggled closer to Hyunjin under the covers and fell asleep again contentedly.


They both woke up again a few hours later, it was still cloudy and snowing outside. Felix turned his face to his lover, admiring his breathtaking profile, as if sculpted by angels.

"What are you looking at?" Hyunjin asked calmly with eyes closed as he felt his gaze on him.

"At the hottest boy in school." Felix replied shamelessly.

"You're dumb." Hyunjin said sarcastically, but at the same time he had to smile. He finally opened his eyes and looked at the silver-haired in his arms. His hair was sticking out in all directions, he was smiling from ear to ear and those cute freckles were adorning his entire face. He couldn't resist and stroked Felix's face with his hand.

"I guess I know why Chan calls you sunshine, even though it's a terrible nickname." He joked but was actually blinded by Felix's shining positivity and cuteness.

Felix melted at the compliment and felt himself starting to blush. To hide his embarrassment, he pressed his lips to Hyunjin's. Kissing him felt just like yesterday. Intoxicating. Felix couldn't help himself, he never knew someone who would made him feel this way, so he didn't want to stop. Hyunjin pulled away first.

"This is definitely weird." He admitted. One evening spent together did not erase his doubts. He knew a few things for sure, he was definitely attracted to Felix. He likes him and yesterday he enjoyed it more than he could ever imagine. But with a new day and a clear head, the terrifying idea of their friends, classmates and family finding out about them crept into his mind again. Everyone would surely judge them. It's not normal. At least not here. He let out a distressed sigh and Felix could sense the sudden mood shift.

"What do you mean?" He asked, trying to hide the panic in his voice. He was afraid of what Hyunjin might say to him. That he never wants to see him again? That this was all one big mistake?

"This. The two of us." Hyunjin pointed to the space between them. Felix was only comforted by the fact that Hyunjin was still holding him in his arms and wasn't in any way disgusted, for example.

"You have to explain it to me more. Because the only time I felt better than yesterday was on Christmas when I got a PlayStation when I was little." Hyunjin felt Felix tense up as he spoke, even though he tried to look cool. So, he started stroking his hair gently to reassure him that there was no harm behind his words.

"I meant; it's probably going to take me a while to get used to being with you like this." He reassured him.

"Not just like this." Felix flirted, already in a better mood.

"But seriously now. I'm afraid. It's completely new to me and honestly that's why I didn't even text you back last time because it scared me how much I liked it. This is probably going to sound awkward, but I've never been in a romantic relationship, unless you count a few kisses with girls back in high school, but even that was under the influence of alcohol or when we played spin the bottle." Hyunjin grimaced at the memory and Felix waited patiently for him to speak again.

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