Chapter 32 - She knows

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It had been several hours since their last training session and since the message she had sent. They agreed to text each other to make plans. Or not? So why didn't he text yet? The girl with long black hair in her dorm kept checking her notifications and each time she sighed loudly and sinked into her pillow.

Hi Jinnie~

So when R U free?

Sent at 6:42 p.m.

Maybe she should have been more direct. Maybe she should have told him right away that this wasn't about helping her with the solo choreography, but a date. But she was so embarrassed that she panicked and made up the first excuse she could think of.

"Jae, stop it, he'll text back when he has time." She was admonished by her roommate Nari, who was lying next to her on the bed, unable to concentrate on the Boys over flowers episode as her friend kept checking her phone next to her.

"But Nari! It's been a few hours! We agreed to meet this weekend. It's almost midnight. What if I only have time tomorrow? Shouldn't he consider that?" Jae rested her head on her friend's shoulder with a whine.

"Maybe he went to sleep and will talk to you tomorrow. Weekend is a broad term. You should've just told him that you were asking him out on a date, and not to training, maybe he would've made plans with you right away." Nari calmed her, clearly annoyed. She loved her friend, of course. But this behavior was on the daily basis and for the past months she had heard nothing from Jae but 'Hyunjin is this and that', 'Hyunjin looked my way today' and 'We would be perfect for each other'. It just gets annoying after a while, so she was glad when Jae finally took the plunge and asked the school's prince out on a date.

"Right? God, I'm so stupid. He could've at least turned me down on the spot, not ghost me like that." She slapped her forehead, traces of disappointment in her dark brown eyes. Sighing, Nari stopped the playing episode so she could fully focus on her friend who needed her help.

"Hey, look, he'll definitely text you, he's... as you said... a man of principle who will fulfill all his tasks. In addition, you train together, it is polite for him to answer. And I don't see why he wouldn't want to go out with a girl who meets almost every beauty standard and isn't stupid and talentless-" She encouraged her before Jae cut her off.

"Aww! You really are the best friend ever!" Jae pulled her into a hug and giggled like a little girl as Nari started to push her away.

"Wait, wait, I'm not done yet, I wanted to add that you're a little bit nuts!" She tried to get out of her embrace.

"Good thing that only you know that." Jae smirked at her and finally allowed her friend to watch her favorite K-Drama undisturbed and she actually stopped checking her phone every ten seconds and both girls fell asleep contentedly with the show playing in background.


Hyunjin and Felix were already lying contentedly in the room, snuggled in the covers, enjoying each other's presence. They just lay quietly for a while, cuddling and kissing.

"What are we going to do all weekend?" The silver haired boy suddenly asked.

"Hmm? This?" Hyunjin kissed him gently on the lips and Felix giggled.

"We should do something outside, so you don't get bored with me."

"You? Bore me? There's no way. Plus, I'd like to practice what I just tried in the shower." The blond muttered with a smug smile on his face and planted another kiss on him. If there had been light in the room, it would have been obvious that Felix was blushing again. How can this guy have no experience? Judging by how shamelessly he talks about these things, it's like he's done it at least a hundred times.

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