Chapter 42 - Consequences

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Jisung found his keys in his pocket and opened the door to room 143. It was dark inside, so he had to close the door behind him to block out the light from the hallway and let his eyes adjust to the darkness. Only then did he start looking for his friend.

On the bed he could make out a kind of outline that looked like a lying body. He hesitantly approached the bed and sat down on its edge.

"Hi, Jin." He finally greeted him and waited for him to answer. But instead, he only heard soft sobs. He knew it. It hurts Hyunjin just as much as it hurts Felix.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jisung asked again, placing his hand lightly on Hyunjin's shaking shoulder.

"No." The blond answered him finally.

Jisung wasn't surprised. Hyunjin liked to deal with his feelings alone. He did not like to talk about them and liked to be independent of help from others, even when he needed it so much. But Jisung understood him very well about this. When he couldn't be the always-laughing class clown, he preferred to withdraw into seclusion and sort out everything within himself without outside help.

So, with a sigh, he got up from Hyunjin's bed, but only to change into something more comfortable and return to him with his laptop.

"Hey, I saw a great drama recently, I wanted to watch it with you because Minho wasn't too interested in it, so it's time." Jisung informed him as he placed the laptop at their feet on the bed. Hyunjin didn't answer him at all, some new drama was the last thing on his mind.

Jisung covered Hyunjin with a blanket and brought his own from his bed. He actually turned on the drama he didn't watch with Minho and lay silently next to his sobbing friend.

Hyunjin was aware that something is happening on the laptop screen, but he didn't follow the plot at all. He felt like a human shell with only pain left inside. But he wasn't ready to talk about it with anyone yet. And that's why he was grateful for Jisung, who as always did not disappoint and understood what he needed without any questioning. In short, he was just here with him. And Hyunjin was very grateful to him for that. Instead of words of gratitude, he did something he had never done on his own to Jisung.

He turned over on the bed to hug him.

Jisung froze. Yes, he forced a hug here and there, but usually it didn't last more than a millisecond, or it wasn't reciprocated at all and Hyunjin was trying to shake him off the whole time. The fact that he hugged him now of his own free will meant a lot to him. Another milestone in their friendship. And it also showed how sad Hyunjin really is and how much he needs him right now. Jisung returned the hug.

"Everything will be alright in the end, Jinnie." He comforted him and continued to watch the drama in silence.

In this position, Hyunjin was finally able to relax a little and fall asleep. Jisung was glad that he was at least somewhat helpful, but it broke his heart to see him like this. When he was sure that Hyunjin was fast asleep, he pulled out of his embrace and went to his bed.

Before going to sleep he pulled out his phone to check for any new messages.

My MinHOE🐈‍⬛💕😈

Hi baby, how's Hyunjin?

Sent 8:49 p.m

Jisung smiled at how caring his boyfriend was and started texting him back.

Hi honey <3

He looks terrible

He was crying the whole time and doesn't want to talk about anything

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