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"You know the exchange program works the other way around too, right?" Felix whispered to Hyunjin the day they said goodbye at the airport before planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

At that moment, Hyunjin couldn't believe that this option hadn't occurred to him way before. Maybe it was because he never really wanted to study abroad. Everything he wanted to achieve; he could achieve here.

He kissed Felix goodbye and already decided in his mind that he would do anything to get on the exchange program. His parents did not agree with the idea at first. He was their only son. Why would he need to fly all the way to Australia when he's doing so well here? After all, he can visit Felix during the holidays until they both graduate. But they soon understood that Hyunjin meant it, and nothing would stop him, and they had no choice but to support him and hope that he would come back to them safely.

Before the very end of the school year, he arranged a meeting with principal Park to see if there was still any possibility of getting into the exchange program and under what conditions. Naturally, Hyunjin met all the requirements - he had excellent results in all subjects, his organization of the final final show stood out in his portfolio, but there was only one problem. Capacity.

"I am delighted that you are so interested in the program. Studying abroad will surely offer you other advantages. However, you should have applied earlier. But I will try to talk to the study department in charge of the exchange program to put you on the waiting list as a priority, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin." That was principal Park's final answer.

For a moment, Hyunjin thought that his plan wouldn't work out and the dream of spending the afternoon with Felix on the beach every day after school slowly faded away. Felix tried to support him every day on video chat, but even he was afraid that maybe it was too late.

And so, all summer, Hyunjin went to a part-time job at the store across the street, where Jisung, Minho or Changbin sometimes came to see him, then at home he painted and went for walks with Kkami, and then he thought every night how things would work between him and Felix when they will only be able to see each other twice a year before they graduate.

But as if the universe was hinting that the two were meant to be together again, two weeks before the exchange program started, a third-year student who happened to be performing in the final show dropped out and was offered an internship at her dream company. Hyunjin immediately called the news to Felix, and they ended up talking for hours about what they were going to do when they saw each other again.

And so now Hyunjin was standing at Sydney Airport.

Just a year ago, he would have laughed at someone who would be crazy enough to fly to a foreign country and study there for the sake of a relationship. But Hyunjin was already a different person. Now it seemed like the only logical solution.

According to the agreement, Felix was supposed to wait for him here. Hyunjin looked around the unknown airport with wide eyes, trying to find that familiar silver mane in the mass of people. The crowd behind him pushed him on, forcing him to keep pacing back and forth and looking around in confusion. He moved a little further and somewhere behind him came the deep voice that he had not heard live for more than two months.

"I mean, I imagined our reunion a thousand times, but I didn't think you'd walk past me like you didn't know me."

Hyunjin stared at the brunette in front of him. Yes. It was Felix. With dark hair and a smug smile on his face.

"Felix!?" Hyunjin squealed in surprise, but in sheer joy threw his suitcase aside and jumped around his neck.

Felix was vibrating with joy as he hugged him back, still laughing.

"Wow! How? When? The hair!" Hyunjin was alternately pulling away from him and hugging him again, trying to formulate what he really wanted to say.

"Oh, this? I thought it needed a change; do you like it?" Felix ran a hand through his dark hair, biting his lower lip nervously as was his habit. Hyunjin's heart was pounding wildly. Not only was he finally here and he could physically touch Felix, but his little cute Sunshine wasn't so little and cute anymore. Now standing before him was Felix, a young man who knows very well how good he looks.

"You look sexy." Hyunjin blurted out thoughtlessly. "But it will take some time getting used to it. I almost didn't recognize you."

But Felix didn't pay attention to that anymore because he was pleased mainly for the initial compliment. So, he finally wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck and stood on his tiptoes to be at his eye level.

"I'm glad you're here." He told him sincerely before pressing his lips to his. It had been forever since he had last kissed him. Now it was like kissing him for the first time, he felt the butterflies in his stomach again.

"I'm glad you're with me." Hyunjin replied as they pulled away for a short breather before diving into another kiss.

All of the nervousness he felt from the exchange program was gone. He was exactly where he was supposed to be and he didn't doubt for a second that together they would overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.


A/N: I hope this made you happy :) Continue reading for the final author's note!

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