Chapter 2 - The extremely gifted exchange student

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"Welcome to our performing arts academy, I believe you got into this program both because of your great results and because of your desire to learn about our culture and build strong connections for the future." Principal Park finally spoke from behind the table. He had a friendly smile on his face, but a natural respect emanated from him. He looked at the three students in front of him who met all the conditions for the exchange program. And those were not easy conditions. The fact that they were standing here in front of him proved that they were truly exceptional students. Each to one department - ​​dance, music and theatre. All the exchange students remained silent for the time being, and Mr. Park continued, "Alright then, we have prepared a class schedule for you to help you expand your horizons and improve your abilities. At the same time, I will now introduce you to your ‚patrons', think of them as your main contacts if you need help with anything."

There were introductions between the first two exchange students for the theatre and music departments and their patrons, before it finally came down to the last student, the only boy of the trio. The headmaster took a quick look at him, unlike the girls he showed no sign of nervousness and his presence seemed to lighten the formality.

"Lee Felix, right?"

"Yes sir." The silver haired freckled boy replied in the deepest voice anyone in the room had ever heard live. Everyone was so surprised that even the students, who were about to leave with their patrons, stopped and turned to Felix.

"Wow, what a voice!" principal Park couldn't help but remark, "Did you really decide to only study dance?" he asked Felix with a vision of untapped potential.

"Thank you, sir, I'm not against experimenting, however, dancing is what I feel most comfortable in." Felix assured him, but principal Park only raised one eyebrow to show that he disagreed.

"Okay then, here's your schedule, map of the school, and all the other important information, however," He paused to gesture to the remaining patron-a strong and friendly-looking guy dressed head-to-toe in black: "this is Bang Chan. He is our great result of how successful this program is. He liked it so much that he decided to complete his studies here. He will tell you all the important information. He studies music production, so I'd like you to think through your... experimentation right here with Mr. Bang. Normally I'd choose a patron for you who studies your major, but Bang Chan is from Australia just like you, I thought it would be much more enjoyable for you." He prompted them to introduce themselves to each other.

"Hello, I'm Chan or Chris, whichever you prefer." The young man shook his hand and smiled rather shyly after such an introduction from the headmaster. As soon as a smile appeared on his face, so did dimples. Felix was really excited. What scared him the most was his language barrier, and knowing that he will have someone here who is from the same country as him and went through the same program is like a warm hug for him.

"I'm Felix, nice to meet you." He repeated his name again and gave Chan a nice smile as well. Chan was suddenly filled with joy, this smile was so contagious and warm, it was as if Felix had brought with him a piece of the Australian sunshine that Chan missed so much. He already knew that the two would get along well.

After all these formalities the two walked out of the principal's office and instead of Chan telling him all the necessary information about school, he was interested in what Felix was like, where exactly he came from, and why he chose this program. Felix just confirmed to himself that they couldn't have chosen a better patron.

The day passed more slowly than usual, but the afternoon hours were approaching and thus Hyunjin's last dance lesson. This time a special lesson for the best students from all years. He loved these classes the most, whether it was because he was most productive in the later hours, or because it was finally a class where there were really talented people who didn't screw up the choreography. He quickly remembered today's class with Jisung, who got on his nerves every time he didn't return to his position after turning around.

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