Chapter 28 - Jae

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Winter had not yet receded, but the days were getting longer. Daylight lasted longer and because of that, the students of the Academy of Performing Arts felt like they weren't in school until night. At least some positive thing. The professors did not consider that there was no school from the end of December until February and something like a slow start did not mean anything to them. On the contrary, they shared the same belief that the students had a lot of time to rest, and that way they would learn quicker and better. On top of that, they still had a ton of homework and term papers to complete.

Felix was completely overwhelmed by so much homework and wondered if he had improved at all since the beginning of the school year, as he felt that he was only passing thanks to Hyunjin helping him with his homework and occasionally tutoring him. So, it became a tradition that after afternoon practice, they would go to Hyunjin's dorm and do homework together. Sometimes in the company of Jisung who was just distracting the boys and sometimes alone when Jisung was out with Minho. But this had another dark side, because it usually ended with Felix losing interest in studying and instead, he was the one who started distracting Hyunjin.

"Hey, skinship boy." Hyunjin admonished him with his new nickname as he began to pick on him in the middle of writing his dance anthropology homework.

"Mhm?" Felix purred as he pressed his lips contentedly to the blond's neck.

"We have to finish this." Hyunjin sighed desperately as he felt like giving in to the silver haired's personal charm.

"We still have time for that." He coaxed while covering him with small kisses.

"Yes, but I want to do it as soon as possible so that we have time to practice the choreography, we are the organizers, did you forget?" Hyunjin tried to talk him out of it, but he didn't push him away.

"Come on, we're studying all the time" Felix pursed his lips in disapproval and raised his head to meet Hyunjin's face and try puppy eyes on him.

"That's because we have to study. And I won't lose my post of top student because of you." He answered firmly and tried not to look at the silver-haired boy so much because he was tempted.

"Nerd." Felix teased him, "I think you excel in dance anthropology, but I know something where you should try harder," he added with a challenging tone. This intrigued Hyunjin.

"Yeah? Like what?" He slowly closed his homework notebook and began to pay attention to his cute, freckled distraction.

"Well, for example English! Come here, I'll show you how to move your mouth properly for better pronunciation." Felix joked, grabbing the tall boy's cheeks and pulling him to his lips. But Hyunjin quickly grabbed him by the waist and rolled him under him on the bed.

"Or maybe you should practice your Korean pronunciation." He joined his game and leaned down enough to whisper the words against his lips. Feeling Hyunjin's hot breath on his face, Felix was reaching up to finally bring together their lips when Hyunjin grabbed his wrists and pinned him further into the mattress.

"Homework first, fun later." Hyunjin whispered in his ear, lightly pressing his earlobe between his lips. He had to control himself to keep his word when he had Felix so defenseless and needy under him. His lips brushed lightly over his exposed neck, enjoying the muffled sounds Felix made as he did so. In the end he just gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Oh, come on! You're such a tease!" Felix groaned as Hyunjin released him from his grip and reached for his homework again.

"Shall I remind you of that night in the sleeping bag? This is just karma." He pointed a warning finger at him. It was the hardest night that Hyunjin had passed. He tried to think of anything other than the silver haired boy subtly brushing up against him every now and then. Felix knew the blond was right and that he had no choice but to complete his homework so they could focus on more enjoyable activities.

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