Chapter 47 - Double date

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If you had asked Hyunjin a month ago what he thought about him opening up about his sexual orientation and secret relationship with a boy to his friend Jisung and six other guys he only started hanging out with at the beginning of the school year, he would've said that you must be crazy. And then he'd give you his disgusted look.

But now he was absolutely convinced that he should've done it a long time ago. He even allowed Felix to tell the news to his sisters in Australia, who had a strong suspicion all along that they weren't just friends. Also, he never thought that talking about his relationship with Jisung would be so much fun. When he returned to the dorm on Saturday morning, Jisung immediately sat up on his bed, looking like a mother who's upset that her child was out all night.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do, young man." He said sternly.

Hyunjin couldn't even play his usual drama queen role. He was brimming with such happiness at being with Felix again that his face automatically broke into a shy smile. With a resigned sigh, he sat down on the bed next to Jisung and began to recount how his last training had completely turned things around. Of course, he wanted to keep the spicier details to himself.

"So, you kissed and suddenly you were together?" Jisung narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

"Exactly." Hyunjin nodded, his face slowly turning red as he remembered Felix kneeling in front of him, asking him to just look at him.

"Yeah sure, you had make-up sex, right?" He poked Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Oh my god, Jisung, shut up! Stop being such a perv." The blond slapped the brunette's hand, and his face was as red as a bottle of ketchup.

"It's completely clear to me. On school grounds? I mean, you don't seem like that type. Minho and I didn't do something like that either." He crossed his arms over his chest and blinked in displeasure.

"How is it going with Minho anyway? Are you still jealous of his cats?" Hyunjin teased him, trying to cleverly divert the topic.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. Just so you know, I like them, and they like me.''

"Yeah, sure, show me your hands." Hyunjin ordered him, tugging at his sleeve, which had several scratches hiding under it.

"Alright, alright! Dori is still getting used to me." He admitted and pulled the sleeve of his sweatshirt back down again. "And now that you're finally together again. And publicly. And you don't mind me mentioning Felix. So may I ask how it all started!?'

"How did what start?" Hyunjin played dumb but secretly wanted to explain everything to Jisung.

"Don't play dumb! When did you know that you like Felix and you like him more than just a friend?" He punched his pillow in frustration.

"Well, I actually don't even know. Now that I think back on it, I liked him from the start. That's why he annoyed me so much. But I didn't realize it until the winter break."

"I thought so." Jisung nodded his head knowingly.

"Oh please, how could you think that?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but when a friend tells me he wants me to bleach his hair while he pours soju into himself and is sad that his 'friend' doesn't talk to him, I find it a little suspicious." Jisung hinted while doing air quotes at a word friend.

Hyunjin thought back to that evening and blushed again. He didn't feel the worst until the next day in Jisung's father's car. It suddenly seemed so long ago; time really flies. Jisung's laughter snapped him out of his memories.

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