Chapter 6 - Minho's final decision

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They both sat next to each other on the bed and stared at the wall in front of them. Hyunjin blowed his nose and then bit his tongue nervously. He felt like a fool. Like a humiliated fool. And the humiliation was about to get worse, after what he was going to say to his friend.

"Ever since he came here, everything has been different." He started, Jisung just looked at him blankly as he had absolutely no idea who he was talking about for a moment, "Lee Felix. He came for the first time yesterday to a class for selected dance students. He just walked in there, no humility, nothing. He didn't do anything for it and earned the place I worked for so hard. Everyone was amazed by him, while he looked like he wasn't even serious about dancing. He even received praise from Minho! And today also from the teacher. I'm not stupid, I know he can dance really well. And that's why I'm scared that..." Hyunjin stammered, "That he'll be better than me. That he will replace me. You know how much I want and need to be on top. It's the only thing that matters to me. And this kid can take it from me and so far he's doing well. And his indifference! After all, he doesn't really care about it as much as I do." He desperately put his face in his hands and tried to calm down again.

Han Jisung was silent for a while. He'd rather give his friend a big slap on the head and tell him that he's the greatest drama queen he's ever seen. He absolutely didn't understand how he could think of himself as not good enough and so easily replaceable. Maybe that's why he didn't give him a hard time, because he felt sorry for him. He also sometimes felt like he wasn't enough.

"Well, first of all – I don't know a better dancer than you. And that includes Felix. You have such a passion for it, you're such a perfectionist, and no one praises you just because it's just public knowledge that you're damn good. I don't see a single reason why someone should replace you, you're just stressing yourself out. Besides, you said yourself that Felix looks like he doesn't value it and doesn't even care about it, so why should he take that place from you?" Jisung carefully tried to hammer some sense into his head.

"Because others will put him there. Because others will think he's better than me." Hyunjin countered.

"You care too much about what other people think, you never cared about it before." There was some truth in this. Since when did he care about public opinion? Actually, probably since he realized how important it is and how it can affect your position. He should have been more social, he should have fit in more, he should have been more like... like Felix.

"I don't know. I guess so, maybe I should care less. But this was such a bummer! And that Felix is ​​getting on my nerves so much!" Hyunjin's mood turned 360 degrees and he became angry. With a grunt, he laid down on the bed and covered his head with a pillow in shame.

"I think you're painting Felix too much as a villain. Look, the last year the two of us did nothing but argue and fight. And now look at us." Jisung said proudly, lifting the pillow off his head just so he could smack him in the face with it.

"Hmm, but that was something else, you're no match for me." Hyunjin's mood started to return to normal and he started provoking Jisung.

"And that's good for me! Did you look in the mirror? I wouldn't want to be such a weirdo. Besides, if I were even more perfect, you could fall in love with me." He immediately came up with a great comeback.

"Disgusting." Hyunjin chuckled. The boys talked for a while, watched a movie and then went to bed after a hard day. Hyunjin didn't tell Jisung, but he was immensely relieved. As if he was getting rid of the anxious feeling a little. He really appreciated him.


The next school day was marked by total ignorance. Both Hyunjin and Felix recognized the atmosphere in their first class together, when they didn't even say hello. The silver-haired one of the pair couldn't even look at Hyunjin because he was the source of his anxiety. But Hyunjin watched as Felix sat down next to one of his classmates and felt guilty for a moment. On the other hand, he got what he wanted with his yesterday's performance. He got rid of him in a way. So after the bell rang, he pulled out his notebook and concentrated in the class as best as he could. The following days were in a similar spirit.

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