Chapter 7 - I have something to help you

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No way. Absolutely no way. No. NO! Several similar negative answers appeared in the heads of both newly named organizers of the final school celebration. The irony was that this was what Hyunjin had wanted all along, to be in charge of it all for another year. But not even in his wildest dreams or nightmares did he think that he would have Mr. Aussie sunshine by his side.

Mr. Sunshine, on the other hand, wanted none of that. Especially with company like this. He couldn't imagine how he could come out of this with a positive experience.

So, out of politeness, both of them waited until the dance studio was empty and could pounce on Minho. Both Hyunjin and Felix stomped towards Minho as if they were outrunning each other.

"Minho, are you crazy!? What about our plans? Last year it was a crazy good show!" A brunette with a ponytail was verbally attacking him, his forehead still sweaty from the dance number.

"I don't know what to say, it's an honor for me, but I don't want to take a bigger bite than I can handle." Felix spoke carefully, hoping that Minho would change his mind.

"Look at you, even your reactions are contrasts." Minho didn't really answer them at all and just smiled maliciously to himself at that fact that he came up with this plan.

"You can't do this, how come you don't have anything to gain from it anymore? That's just stupid!" Hyunjin continued to protest.

"And I should focus on school, so please listen to Hyunjin." Felix continued to plead.

They both insisted at him for some time and chased Minho to the locker room where he spoke again.

"Look, gentlemen-no, I'm not crazy, and Felix, you can handle this. I meant what I said before. You can either act like little children, which only proves to me that you are not worthy of such a post and place in this class, or you can start acting like professional dancers, throw everything aside and create a great performance." He pointed at them as he instructed them like he's a mother raising her ignorant sons.

Both Hyunjin and Felix exchanged hesitant glances. Maybe they were acting a little childish after all? As the silver haired of the pair bit his bottom lip nervously out of habit, Hyunjin looked quickly back at Minho for some inexplicable reason.

"I'll give you some advice - your contrast is your strong point. Good luck." He patted them both on the shoulder and turned his back to them and began changing. At that moment, the boys thought it was a little rude to stand here and stare at him like that.

As they stood outside the school, Hyunjin was the first to break the silence as Felix was still afraid to even speak to him. Besides, why should he try when it was Hyunjin who was being unreasonably rude?

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" He asked him out of the blue. Felix eyed him, looking for Hyunjin's evil ulterior motive.

"Well, not during the day." Felix said finally, the only thing he had planned was to see Chan and his friends in the evening, they said they would finally introduce him to their 3RACHA world.

"Fine, let's meet tomorrow at eight here and discuss everything." Hyunjin decided, trying to sound at least half as professional as Minho before.

"Ok. So tomorrow." Felix nodded and, like Hyunjin, went his own way to the dorm.

When Felix was completely alone, he let out a loud tortured sigh and kicked the nearest pebble on the ground. There goes the weekend he was looking forward to. He was already nervous. Kicking off his shoes as he arrived at the dorm room, he greeted the boys who were wearing headsets, had open laptops and were loudly shouting game strategy at each other even though they were sitting next to each other. His first impression that these were very decent and quiet young men was gone. He really doesn't rely on his first impressions anymore, he hasn't guessed anyone well yet, maybe except for Chan, who carries all his emotions written on his face, it's so transparent that even a person who doesn't know the word empathy could read it.

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