Chapter 46 - Courage

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The sound of running water echoed in the bathroom in the boy's locker room. Under one shower, both organizers of the final show stood naked. The atmosphere of this scene seemed to be a direct contrast to the previous one.

The rough touches were replaced by loving caressing, and instead of fast French kissing, the boys exchanged gentle pecks.

Hyunjin kept holding the silver haired boy's face close to his own. He realized now how much he didn't want to be separated from Felix. He won't let him go. He couldn't imagine going through it all over again.

"Jinnie..." Felix addressed him, but Hyunjin silenced him with his soft lips. "Hyunjin..." He addressed him again and had to start smiling to the kiss.

"Mhm?" The blond hummed absently, and unwillingly pulled away.

"You know I'd like to stay like this for another hour, but we really have to wash up and go to bed." He tried to be the responsible one.

Hyunjin looked at Felix's face for a good while. He missed his dark brown eyes, which seemed to still smile. He misssed his freckle in the shape of a heart. He missed everything about him. He stroked Felix's cheeks with his thumbs and just enjoyed his presence in this moment.

Felix was curiously looking at Hyunjin's expression. He was frowning, as if he was thinking about something and his eyes seemed to scan every inch of Felix's face. The silence was unpleasant for Felix. Therefore, he preferred to reach his hand to his shower gel and began to wash the sweat and other liquids from his body.

"You know I meant what I said before I kissed you, right?" Hyunjin suddenly broke the silence, helping Felix to spread the shower gel on his chest.

Felix didn't answer and looked down. Hyunjin told him he loved him, but Felix also warned him not to tell him something that would hurt him later. He wanted to believe it, but like Hyunjin, he didn't want to go through what happened last time all over again.

"Sunshine," Hyunjin said in a serious tone, lifting Felix's chin with his fingers so he was forced to look into his eyes. "I love you. I loved you all this time and I don't plan changing that."

Felix bit the lower lip nervously as it was his familiar habit. The fact that they love each other does not mean that there will not be the same problem again.

"Did you really mean what you said after? That you don't care anymore if anyone sees us? Like boyfriends?"

Hyunjin couldn't resist and had to smile at how cute Felix was when he asked him such an absurd question according to him.

"Of course, Lixie! Because of the time I spent alone, I realized that the feeling of wanting to be with you is much stronger than my fear of judgement." He answered his question and brought him into a hug. Felix's heart pounded with joy, and he melted into Hyunjin's arms.

"But I'd probably prefer if we were both fully clothed when somebody sees us." The blond added jokingly.

Felix was overwhelmed with various feelings. He wanted to laugh at Hyunjin's joke, but instead he felt tears in his eyes. He tried to cover it immediately by burying his face into Hyunjin's chest.

"Hey, hey! What's wrong?" Hyunjin was startled.

"Nothing. I just... I'm very happy. And... and I love you too... And I missed you so much." Felix sobbed and couldn't stop the tears of happiness.

As soon as Hyunjin made sure that Felix did not cry for another reason, he was relieved. And he just let his Sunshine to make a way for all of his emotions. He just continued to hug him tightly and stroked his wet hair.

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