Chapter Sixteen

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After Sirena, Evelyn, and her companions arrived to Haven, everyone went their separate ways to get cleaned up from their little adventure. Except the two women who entered with the group. The American girl felt really disgusting. She hadn't bathed in a few days which made her hair oily and skin caked with dirt. As they walked towards their shack, Sirena saw Cullen commanding his soldiers as was his job. If she didn't know him, he would intimidate her to the point she would avoid him, but it didn't mean she'd stop looking at him every now and again. She didn't realize she had stopped walking to stare at him until Trevelyan got in her line of site.

"What are you looking at?" Evelyn asked with a knowing smile on her face knowing full well what her "cousin" was looking at. Well more like whom.

"I'm not looking at anything." The American said while trying to be nonchalant and kept her eyes away from the Commander. "I was actually thinking about needing a bath. I need one really bad. I smell and feel gross." She admitted. Evelyn let out a laugh and clapped her on the back.

"I'll get the baths ready for us. I, too, feel disgusting after all the time without bathing." She continued to laugh while walking away not believing for a second that Sirena wasn't looking at anyone. The Herald did feel like she needed to bathe though. The rogue continued to walk towards the bath house since she was used to that life style when she didn't have a tub in her private quarters back in the Trevelyan household.

From a short distance away, Cullen recognized two women's voices distinctly. One was who he trained personally and corresponded with while she was away. The other was their Herald sent to them by Andraste, though he knew she really wasn't. After he signed a document, he looked up over towards the voices and saw Evelyn walking away. His gaze then moved to the woman who he couldn't stop thinking about. Cullen saved each letter she wrote to him and placed them with his sister's messages. He was happy to see her back in Haven so much to the point he wanted to walk to her, but he held himself back when he heard feet crunching on the snow behind him till the person was beside him. He saw his good friend Rylen who he met in Kirkwall standing next to him.

"Well look who came back; it's the woman you wish to be with yet won't try to court. What is holding you back Cullen? And don't say it's the age thing." Rylen said to his friend.

"It's inappropriate because of who she is related to. She's the Herald's cousin!" He replied back while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Has she been showing you interest?" Cullen's friend asked him with a smirk on his lips catching her staring at him earlier.

"No, I don't think she has."

Feeling a pair of eyes on her, she looked over and saw Cullen looking at her as well as whom she assumed was his second in command. Her hands went to her hair which felt flat and greasy from the lack of washing. She got the look of disgust as she looked at a strand of hair. Her gaze then locked with his as she gave him a smile and a little curtsy before she ran off to take her bath. She wanted to look presentable when she talked him that meant her hair getting its volume back as well as the dirt out.

It was nice to hear the crunch of the snow under her boots again even though she hated the snow. The stranger to Thedas got very lucky while she was out with Trevelyan in their adventure. She didn't even have to kill anything or anyone. As she thought about all that happened in Orlais, her feet carried her toward the hut she was sharing with Evelyn. Opening the door rather quickly, the American stepped into the warmth and saw the bath ready. She quickly shut the door behind her and almost ran to the steaming tub. Sirena untied her cloak then peeled off her dress and under clothes before stepping into the bath. She washed her hair, getting the dirt out of it while adding a floral scent. As Sirena added the scent, she thought about the Cherry Blossom scented soap she used to have before coming to Thedas. The American wondered if it was possible to get that smell again.

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