Chapter One

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In the state of Oregon, a young woman in her early twenties lives with her mother in a one story house. She has a part time job in retail as a sales associate which she was okay at, more or less. When the young woman wasn't working, she spent her time playing video games or reading books. Sirena is definitely an indoors person. It is the reason why her skin is very pale; she hardly gets any vitamin D due to lack of sun. She also likes to keep to herself. In her mind it means less pain to deal with from people.

Since today was her day off from work, Sirena stared at the big screen television her mom bought before she got a divorce from her father. She held the PlayStation four dual shock controller in both her hands playing one of her favorite games: Dragon Age Inquisition. When she heard the soft purr of a car pull up into the driveway, she peeked over the windowsill and saw her mother's black 2015 Chevy Malibu pulling in. Sirena removed one of her hands from the controller she was playing with and waved to her mom. Her mother had just come home from work and she looked exhausted. Sirena stretched out her arm to open the white front door for her now only parent figure who wasn't much of a parent figure anymore, but more so a close friend; one that actually raised her. As soon as her mom entered the house, Sirena asked her questions since she was genuinely curious about her mother's day.

"How was your work day eomma (mom)?"

"It was alright; just a very busy day. What did you do all day?"

"Well you are sort of looking at it, though I did clean the nasty cat shit in the litter pan. Who would have thought a cat could have so much poo in his system?" Sirena said with semi disgust while her mother shook her head because of her use of language.

"He's a cat, what did you expect?"

"Not as much shit was what I was expecting." Her mother let out sigh as she walked over to the dining room table to set her black purse and keys down. Sirena went back to her game, getting sucked into the battles and challenges. Her hearing picked up on her mother sitting on the love seat to watch the gameplay. With a soft little sigh, she saved the game and put the PS4 on rest so she could recharge the controller she was playing with. She looked over to her mother with a big grin on her face.

"Want to go do something? It beats being in the house all night long." Sirena suggested to her mother while watching for her reaction.

"Actually we need to do some shopping." Her mom said as she got up off the love seat like she was waiting for her daughter to stop playing her game. "First we got to pay the bills then we'll head to Wal-Mart." Sirena let out another sigh and looked down at what she was wearing which were her pajamas still. She ran down the hall and into her room on the left side. Grabbing a pair of blue old navy jeans and a blue shiny top with a cute floral design, she also put on cute little pumps that went with the outfit. As she walked out of her room, Sirena grabbed her black purse that looked designer but she didn't know if it was or wasn't nor did she really care as long as it went with her outfit which it did all the time since black goes with everything.

Sirena carefully walked down the hall to meet her mom by the door. As her mother, Marsha headed for the door that was open already while Sirena opened the screen door and held it open. Both the daughter and Marsha walked down the two steps past the walkway and headed straight for the shiny black car. Marsha remained on the driver's side which was on the left side and got in the car. Moving as quickly as she could in her platforms, the young woman walked to the passenger side which was on the right side of the car by American standards. She got in the car and put on her seat belt like she always did since safety was important; not to mention they would get a ticket if she didn't wear her seat belt.

Marsha drove the car to the city's downtown to pay their bills as her daughter messed around with the radio, putting it on the Korean pop station in the satellite radio. The song that was playing was T-Ara's "No.9" which was one of Sirena's favorite songs by the group. She sang with the words on key and was even doing an okay job at the pronunciation of the language even though it wasn't her first language. As soon as she saw her mother walk out of the building, she stopped singing with the song and leaned back against the black leather seat, acting like she was a little bored. After Marsha got back in the car, she put on her seat belt and backed out of the parking spot to drive to the nearest Wal-Mart.

When they got to Wal-Mart, Marsha parked the car in a parking lot after finding one in the boonies which meant far away from the building where other cars did not park. Both women got out of the car and shut the door behind them. They then walked towards the store, while also being careful not to get run over and that was sometimes a difficult feat when other people were being stupid. When they made it in the building, Sirena grabbed a cart for her mother and her mother took the cart. They went through the store to pick some groceries by going through every isle to make sure they got everything they needed or wanted. Once they had everything, they walked over towards one of the checkout lines which were at the front of the store. When it was their turn to ring up, Sirena put the groceries on the counter top so the cashier could ring up the items by scanning them one at a time at a fairly quick pace. After the cashier was done scanning and bagging the items, Marsha paid for the groceries with cash while her daughter put the bags into the cart.

Sirena grabbed the cart and pushed it to the car while her mother walked and fiddled with her purse. When they got to the car, the two women loaded the back seats with groceries they had purchased. After they were done with that, the twenty-three year old then took the cart and ran towards the cart return closest to her, pushing the cart into its place. When she saw the cart was where it was supposed to go, she ran back to the black car and got inside on the passenger side.

It was dark out by the time they got back home. Sadly, it was too late to do anything else for the young woman. She had to work the next day, sadly. Opening the garage door, the mother then began to unload the car by taking the grocery bags out. The younger woman was then quickly helping her mother out by taking as much out as she possibly could and putting the groceries where they belong whether if it was in the fridge, freezer, and or the pantry.

Sirena was thankful when all the groceries were put away in their places. She was tired yet she was wide awake. Walking to her bedroom, she thought to herself. 'I don't want to go to work tomorrow. People are freaking horrible. I really hate people at times...' When she got inside her bedroom, she quickly changed into her pajamas and went straight to bed while hoping the day will go fast for her.

Author Note: 

Hey readers! I am still working on this fanficion and I have been for a very long time. If you want, I can still post weekly of the chapters I do have typed out currently; please let me know in the comment section. Borahae ♥

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