Chapter Twenty-Six

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As they approached what looked to be a castle in the distance, Sirena watched while the Herald run up on some rocks, which she thought was idiotic of her for it could be dangerous. Didn't anyone else think she was going to slip on the snow and hurt herself? Though, who was she kidding? She'd end up laughing her ass off. It wasn't something she'd be able to control since she found that sort of thing funny. And she really did need some amusement. Luckily for the Herald, she did not lose her footing. The trek to the fortress had taken for far too long for her to handle in her state, but she kept her complaints to herself.

"Is it just me? Or should we be hearing some bad ass music while standing silently?" The American asked which earned her some looks while Dorian only gave her a smirk.

"You know... You may be right! We could use a little fanfare." Varric looked over at the two who were conversing. He didn't disagree which meant told her the three of them were very similar yet so different at the same time.

"I think that would be a bad idea Sparkly. Your ego is already high."

"I don't know if I should be offended or not." It was clear the two were joking around, though, she couldn't help but wonder what she had just started.

Before she knew it, they were walking again. The only thing that made Skyhold seem far away to her were the damned hills. But in no time at all, the American made it up the incline and found herself at the abandoned fortress. As she stood at the entrance taking in her surroundings, people were already milling about, getting everything set up to the best of their ability. It was then when Sirena had decided to take a look around the place. Of course, during this time there wasn't much to look at due to all the debris and cave ins that needed to be repaired in the place. Though, she had seen the rather large building in the game, but it was different in person.

After a while, she noticed people were heading in the same general direction. Out of curiosity, the outlander decided to see what was going on herself. Because of her small stature, she was able to push her way through the throng of people. The American had forgotten why there was a mass of people who had gathered around at the entrance of Skyhold for she had been busy doing a little adventuring of her own. Once she made her way to the front of the crowd, the blonde spotted Josephine and gave her a nod of acknowledgement before making her way over to her.

"What is going on?" Sirena asked softly so only the Antivan woman was able to hear her in the rather loud crowd.

"The Herald doesn't know it yet, but she will become the Inquisitor."

"She's not going to like that at all..." The American looked over to her left and saw the Commander. She would have been standing next to him normally, but currently, she was avoiding him. Sirena never meant to show that side of her nor did she mean to tell him so much. What if he began questioning things that he shouldn't know about? Probably because of her, he just might. While she looked around, she heard less conversation which turned into silence; had fallen over the crowd of people. Finally, the outlander herself, looked up to see Leliana holding a sword out to Evelyn. The look that the Herald seemed to be giving was uncertainty from what the American girl was able to see. She then watched her take the sword from the spymaster before Cassandra walked forward towards the edge of the first stone landing on the stairs.

"Have our people been told?" Sirena had to admit, that woman had a loud and clear voice that could make everyone hear her.

"They have. And soon the world." She heard the ambassador answered. Her blue-green eyes glanced over at Cullen to see him looking at Josephine before taking a glance at her. Quickly, the twenty-three-year-old looked down at the ground to avoid any eye contact with him. While keeping her gaze locked onto the ground beneath her feet, she heard Cassandra acknowledging the blonde man.

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