Chapter Thirty-Four

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After letting her friend into the room, the short petite woman shut the door behind them. She wanted to make sure the heat didn't leave the office. It was a day after the ball and everyone was still recuperating. Even the three in the room. Sirena looked at her friend in silence while debating whether to bring up the whole going back to their home thing or not. She knew Chiara wanted to go back after barging into the place, which was great but now the outlander had to think about her options as well as the consequences of her choices. If given the choices now, what would she choose?

"So, with dating the Commander, does this mean you won't go back with me?" The question that she had been asking herself made her want to get swallowed up by the earth even though it runs through her mind all the time.

"I don't know. I have been very indecisive on that subject when I ask myself." Her eyes looked down at the stone floor, feeling slightly ashamed of her answer despite her candor. Her thoughts always went to Cullen and how she would feel guilty if she ever left him to go back to her world. If the young woman never got close to anyone then it would have been easier. Her eyes glanced up at her friend only to see that she looked at her with understanding as well as pity. To get the attention off of her, Sirena made the topic focus on Chiara. "How many people have you told about our situation?"

"I don't know. Maybe about three or four others." Her friend admitted which made her eyes widen in shock. Didn't she know the danger of telling people that sort of thing? It could put them in peril.

"Chiara! That is not a wise thing to do! I get one or two people you trust, but more?" The outlander shook her head in disappointment. "I've only told one person. Chi Chi, you got to be less careless. Trusting people too easily could get you hurt." Glancing over at Cullen, she noticed he hadn't moved but was listening to their conversation. It was clear he was not going to help.

"I didn't know it was a big deal since magic is normal here." The American looked at her friend wanting to give her a comforting hug but knew she shouldn't at the time. In a way, she felt like her mother, in a way she got lectured as a child.

"Did you not pay attention to history? People tend to find ways to get rid of something they don't understand. If our information goes to the wrong hands, we could potentially die because of it. Sadly, that is how humanity is." Not only that, but usually they'd also get experimented on in their world as well.

"Does that mean there are mages where you're from as well?" Both Sirena and Chiara looked at the man who had just spoken after being quiet for a while. The two glanced at each other. One was fighting off laughter while the other just looked at Cullen, shaking her head.

"No, we don't have mages. We do have witches, druids, and satanists which are all part of paganism." Sirena answered with a straight face. It made sense in why he asked since in Thedas there were magic users everywhere. Whereas where she came from, witchcraft was more subtle and not instantaneous therefore one didn't know who or how many were into paganism.

"Do people from your time believe in the Maker?" In a way she dreaded the question but expected it at the same time. Religion was important in both worlds to some people. Sadly, it made sense to her. There were people out there that needed the strength from somewhere, what was better than faith in a religion?

"Um sort of. Instead of "the Maker" people call the higher being "God"" The more she thought about it, the more similarities Sirena saw in both the modern world and Thedas. There wasn't a whole lot of differences that she was able to see.

"With the many cultures there are in our world, there are many religions." Chiara added which Sirena nodded her head to.

When one of the doors was heard opening, everyone immediately ended the conversation. No one else should know about the situation. Soon everyone saw a page enter Cullen's office. Sirena looked at the guy in green waiting for what he had to say. The only thing the American assumed that it had to do with what happened at the Winter Palace. For all she knew there was two people that needed to go on trial. Of course, she could be wrong as well.

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