Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Early morning, Sirena was standing around the table with everyone as Morrigan explained how an Eluvian worked, which had already been done once before. It kind of annoyed her. Quietly, the outlander listened to everyone bicker in what should happen when time was of the essence. Having a discussion about something that was talked about before was a waste of time and quite unnecessary.

"Before we march, we should gather our allies." The Ambassador suggested.

"Can we wait for them? We should send out our spies ahead to the Arbor Wilds." From what she saw, Cullen looked appalled by the suggestion. Already, she was able to tell they won't make a decision on their own.

"You'd lose half of them without the support of the troops!"

"Then what should we do?" The young American pinched the bridge of her of her nose due to the lack of concession. It was obvious what they should do. How hard was it to make the agreement that needed to be made?

"You work together as a team. For instance... Josephine, have our allies send their scouts to meet us at the location. Leliana, your fastest spies will join them. That should be enough to slow Corypheus' army until Cullen's soldiers arrive. Wham bam, thank you ma'am." Sirena then heard Morrigan laugh at her plan. That woman did get under skin sometimes.

"Such confidence by one so small, but the Arbor Wilds are not so kind to visitors. Ancient Elven magic lingers in those woods." As the Ambassador asked for the witch's expertise, the American rolled her eyes. She didn't understand why she was so grumpy. Then she heard it; the arrogance! Her eyes closed as she took deep calming breaths. While calming down, the outlander didn't hear the long-winded speech.

It had taken days to get to the Arbor Wilds! Everyone had done their part to make the mission possible. Josphine sent her messengers. Leliana sent her scouts out to burn red templar tents. And the Commander, had sent his troops out for battle as he leads them at the front. All around them was beautiful green foliage and clear water. It was the cleanest place Sirena had ever seen.

Sadly, the battle had already begun. The young American pulled out her katana and made her way through the wilds. There were onesies and twosomes of enemies, but, the other party members dispatched them fairly quickly. When they had gotten to some of their agents who were in trouble, Sirena immediately ran up to a crystalized templar monster and started maneuvering herself where she was slashing and avoiding one but didn't see the other had come. It caught her by surprise when she got hit and knocked down. Finally, some of the other party members showed up as she rolled away from getting stomped on. The American woman stood back up and got back into the fight. While focusing on the monster, she hacked and slashed at it while also dodge rolling every now and again to avoid getting hit any further. After what felt like forever, the red templar fell in defeat. Her blue-green eyes looked and noticed that the other was still up. While some were bent over, she took the opportunity to get a running start and jumped on their backs before swinging her blade through the templar's neck.

Once the battle was done, she continued up the path along with the Inquisitor. It was vital they get to the Eluvian first. As she ran, Sirena caught sight of the passage way as she sheathed her sword. When they entered the stone passage, everyone had slowed down to a walk. As the American got closer to the opening, there were some noises that could be heard from the near distance.

There they were, Corypheus and some of his army. Silently, the outlander and the other two crept up to hear the conversation better. With her own eyes, she saw Calpernia standing beside the magister. When she heard the Well of Sorrows got brought up, her eyes glanced over at Morrigan. The witch's eyes met hers and they both nodded to each other in a silent agreement. In silence, she watched as Corypheus tried to cross the Elven bridge. From where the American was hiding, it looked like he was melting until a flash of blue light obliterated everyone but the group. As she made her way down with the Inquisitor, Sirena made sure to avoid stepping on the corpses. Slowly, the outlander followed Evelyn and Morrigan over the bridge. Ahead of everyone was the enemy heading into what seemed to be a temple. Word gurgling sounds as well as bones cracking were heard from behind them. The American girl turned around facing the sound to see a Grey Warden who was dead already, slowly dissolved.

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