Chapter Eighteen

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Sirena opened her eyes and looked around realizing she wasn't with Cullen anymore; and she also noticed she was nice and warm since she was wrapped in blankets. The girl got out of bed then changed her clothes as well as her usual morning routine that she kept up even while she was in school. Since her hair was finally dry, she was able to pull the hair tie out of her hair and let her fake blonde curly locks fall down past her shoulders. It was great to see her hair come down in waves after brushing her mane.

"Oh good, you're awake. We are going to head over to the war room and discuss our plans." Evelyn said which caused Sirena to jump since she wasn't expecting anyone to talk to her in the morning. In fact she was usually groggy in the early morning.

"What plans do we have exactly?" The American asked dragging herself out of the shack while grabbing Cullen's cape that was usually is over his armor.

"You will find out." Her cousin said as she made her way through Haven's village to get to the Chantry. Trevelyan looked at her left hand every now and again to see the mark with a frown. She wasn't used to the new title she had received so her cousin made her feel more normal like the time before the green glow appeared on her hand. After she walked up to the Chantry, she slowly made her way through the building. Sirena could hear one of the sisters teaching the kids their version of what she assumed was their Sunday school. It was too early to deal with that. Her steps became a lot faster to the war room, basically rushing to the door and opening it to get inside. Evelyn followed her inside at a slower pace with a raised brow. "You were fast."

"And... I'm free!" The American said not realizing anyone was in until she heard laughter behind her causing her face to turn red from embarrassment. "They were there the whole time, weren't they?" Trevelyan bit her lip and tried her hardest not to laugh while nodding her head.

"Yes, they have been there the whole time as you yelled out you were free. What are you free from anyway?" She asked curiously as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Uh well... From the... The uh... That... The maker stuff..." Sirena had fished for words while looking at the floor. "Well I think I made myself look stupid enough for one day." She let out a little cough and walked over to the table while keeping her head down to avoid any eye contact that could be made. Her ears caught the sound of the Herald following behind her to stand in her usual spot.

"We heard you made plans, Lady Herald." Josephine said as she looked at the noble woman with a raised brow. "What are they?"

"We are going to the Hinterlands. While we are out there, is there any way you can send messages to the nobles to get their support so we can get in contact with the Templars?"

"Of course, Herald." Josephine bowed her head as she wrote something down in her clip board. "Why will you be going to the Hinterlands?"

"Something has come up and I was asked to check it out." Evelyn answered with a straight face. The American looked at her cousin with a raised brow while remaining silent. 'It must be about Blackwall then.' She thought before her head snapped when she remembered the Herald saying "we".

"What do you mean by "we"?" She asked Trevelyan.

"I meant you, me, Varric, Solas, and Cassandra." The Herald listed all the people she planned on taking with her to the Hinterlands.

"This is the first I've heard of this plan." The Seeker said beside Evelyn. Since she was the one who started the Inquisition in the first place, she was allowed to join the advisors in the war room. She also gave advice from time to time to help.

"I only found out about it yesterday." Trevelyan admitted while scratching the back of her neck.

"How soon will we be going?" Cassandra asked hoping she had a day to prepare for their leave.

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