Chapter Eleven

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"Now that we got a plan, we can go do what it is we need to do." Sirena said stepping away from the table. She turned her back to everyone and started walking towards the door before realizing no one was following her. Her head turned back to look at them as her eyes blinked a couple of times wondering why they were still standing around the table. "Isn't this meeting over?" The young woman asked with confusion.

"Yes, it is." Trevelyan said before also stepping away from the table herself. "Cassandra, can you round up the others at the stables?"

"Yes, I can do that." The seeker said before walking out of the room to get Varric and Solas. Evelyn looked at the three still standing around the table, giving them each eye contact before speaking again.

"If you need another mission send a raven to Sirena." Josephine and Leliana bowed their heads acknowledging the order while Cullen stared at the modern woman with admiration. As soon as he felt his hand begin to shake, he placed his hand on the pommel of his sword while walking over towards the door with the other two advisors.

Everyone that was in the war room made their way out of the chantry and through the snow flurries to get to the stables where the Herald of Andraste and her so called "cousin" were meeting up with the others to leave Haven. As they got closer, Sirena saw two horses saddled up for her and Evelyn. She could already see she was going to have issues getting up onto the saddle without help. 'Damn this cursed shortness!' The young woman thought. When they were close to the horses, Evelyn immediately got on her mount while the American petted her horse's neck. The Herald waited for the modern woman to get on her mount knowing full well that she was stalling.

"Blondie, are you going to get on the horse?" Varric asked what the others were thinking.

"Of course I will." She said before sighing and moving to the horse's side to climb onto the saddle. Her leg lifted up, but her foot couldn't get into the stirrup. She even tried jumping. Seeing her struggle to get up, Cullen moved up next to the horse while trying to fight an amused smile.

"Well now I understand why she was stalling for so long." The dwarf said feeling bad for the girl. Over time he felt a platonic relationship with Sirena almost like an uncle and niece kind which made him a little protective over her.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Sirena saw the Commander standing beside her next to the horse while her face became slightly red from embarrassment. She turned herself to face him to look up at him and immediately had a silent conversation. Her hands rested close to his shoulders as he placed his own hands around her small waist and hoisted her up on the saddle. After she was sitting on the hard leather, a deeper shade of red creeped up onto her face as she tried to act cool like her struggle didn't happen. As she was sitting on the saddle, she felt a warm tingling sensation where his hands were which caused her to wonder what that feeling was. Her eyes glanced down at Cullen as she bowed her head communicating silently again. She quickly glanced at Leliana and Josephine, noticing they were smirking at each other. It was obvious to tell those two were up to something, but what? The young woman didn't know.

Cullen backed away from the horse Sirena was riding on while noticing her posture. It looked like she already knew how to ride. As he watched the group trot off for Val Royeaux, he wondered where she learned her equestrian skills. He continued to watch them leave until they were out of his line of sight. The Ambassador and spymaster stood with him since they were all friends and there to support each other no matter their differences in opinion. The two women also knew he had feelings for the Herald's "cousin" even if he was in denial about it.

"She'll be okay Cullen." Leliana said, offering him comfort. Knowing full well who she was talking about, he switched the topic over to the Herald to hide his feelings from them. He was grateful then that he passed a note to Cassandra without anyone noticing in the war room to give to Varric.

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