Chapter Twenty-One

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A few days later, the Herald received word from Orlais that a few of the Orlesian nobles would in fact be visiting Haven. Both Evelyn and Sirena were in the room getting fitted for their new clothes to wear for the nobles' arrival. The American who wasn't so new to Thedas anymore, glanced over at Evelyn, seeing she was able to stand still while she, herself, was struggling.

"Darling, you must stand still." Vivienne said sternly which caused Trevelyan to let out a little snort. Her fake cousin looked over at her with a glare while mumbling under her breath. She did what she was told either way and stood up straighter to her full height so she wouldn't get scolded again.

"Why do we need new outfits again?" Sirena asked wanting a reminder since she really hated trying on clothes and what not. "What's wrong with our usual outfits?" The mage gave her a look that said the answer should have been obvious.

"The nobles will need to be impressed and in order to do that you two need to be dressed fashionably."

"I have fashionable tastes..." She said adamantly. "It's just not fitting here..." Josephine who was standing in the room raised a brow at the girl and shook her head in disproval.

"Vivienne is right and we need to do our best to get the nobles bedazzled. They are already impressed with the influence we have." The Ambassador said while she looked at the women's outfits. The Herald wore leather pants and armor that had the inquisitions eye on the front and her cape also had the eye. Sirena was wearing something similar to her cousin which caused her to wrinkle her nose in distaste.

"Looks good darlings; they fit nicely." Vivienne commented as she looked the two women over in their new clothes. Sirena decided to ignore the compliment that was given since she personally hated what she was wearing and would rip it off if she could.

"Are the nobles coming soon?" The American asked knowing what would come after they came to Haven for a hopefully short visit.

"They should be here by evening and on the morrow, we will be going to Therinfal Redoubt." Evelyn explained to the new Trevelyan so she could know the plan of what was to come.

"Joy..." The youngest woman said sarcastically since she knew what was going to happen. What she didn't know before hand was that fact she was going with the Herald's party until that day. The American stepped down from her pedestal, done with the fitting. "Am I free to leave then?"

"Yes, you may go." With that dismissal from Evelyn and disapproving looks from Josephine and Vivienne, Sirena ran out the door while mumbling to herself when she was outside.

"This is real cruel for them to make me wear this god awful looking outfit. Talk about a fashion four-one-one crisis." With a sigh, she walked at her normal pace towards the gates of Haven while listening to the sound of crunching when her feet stepped into the snow. For once the small village was slightly quiet except for children's laughter. The adults including the army were doing last minute preparing for the Orlesian nobles. Sirena herself felt like she should stay out of the way as she roamed around a bit when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Hey! Blondie!" Her head turned towards the direction of the voice knowing full well who it belonged to. With a smile brightening up her face, she made her way over towards the bonfire where Varric was sitting to keep himself warm from the chilly air.

"Hey Varric, are you ready for the stuck up nobles arrival?" She asked with fake enthusiasm which had earned her a laugh from the dwarf. It was plainly obvious that mostly everyone was in fact not looking forward to it except for the few who were already used to it.

"No, and I don't think anyone is." He said shaking his head also just wanting this to get done and over with.

"Sadly, it has to be done. Have you seen Cullen?" The American asked while looking around. She had a feeling he would be commanding the troops as usual.

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