CHP 33

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" No, I don't want to tell him. Let him enjoy his life. Thank you so much taehyung caring for me. For making me laugh with you. For always lightening my mood." İ spoke still hugging him and crying on his shoulder.

" Shh you are brave I believe in you. You can make it. I know him he is very kind hearted. He is behaving with you like this. " He spoke

" Okay enough of crying I know I am strong. Why would I cry when I have a best friend like you." İ spoke and he smiled at me.

" That's like my girl. İ know you are strong, strong with heart. " He said and I chuckled a little.

" Don't you have to pack your stuff, go and pack them. Don't waste your time big bear " İ emphasize the big bear and he looked at me with his eyebrow 🤨 raised.

" What , how can I be big bear. İ am not a bear. İ am beautiful ass man. Every girl drools over me and you are calling me big bear huh" he spoke and I laughed.

" Come on big bear , You and beautiful ass 😂."  İ laugh hard  while holding my stomach because he called himself a beautiful ass man. He also laughs on his silly joke.

" Yes, I am. Any doubt? " He said with proud smile.

" No,..... No I don't have any doubts that you have beautiful ass 😂. Okay go and pack your stuff. We will get late beautiful ass." İ spoke controlling me laughs.

" Okay stop calling me beautiful ass. İ am going". He stood up and went to his room.

Just when he went outside I again burst into tears which I was holding infront of him. İ can't bear this pain. İt's hurt in my heart. İt's my fault , why I let my heart to fall for him? İ should have controlled it.

Tears were continuously coming out from her eyes. His ignorance was eating her inside. She falls for him hard. İt's become difficult to control her Love for him.


We are now in airport. We are now in waiting area sitting. My eyes were puffy. But I put a little makeup to look stable. Taehyung was sitting beside me using his phone. And they both were sitting having fun teasing eachother.

She was thinking about past days which were hard for her. Coming to Paris was worst experience for her. But Taehyung was with her all the time. While thinking her body started to shiver. Her hands started to shiver.

Taehyung noticed and quickly put off his jacket and make me wear it.

" Are you okay " he said and I nod a little.

His attention droves to them. He looked at Taehyung, when he was putting his jacket on her shoulders. But he ignored it and again look back to Lisa.


We arrived in home. Taehyung went to his house from airport and we went to house.

İ placed my bags on side and straight went to washroom to get fresh. İ was tired.  

She opened the shower and let the water to run down on her clothes. Her hairs were all wet. Her tears were mixing with water. Her mind was blank.


Next day

İ woke up and cleaned the house and then make breakfast for me and for him. İ was putting the plates on table when he came downstairs.

He looked at me and then table. He turned around and left the house. Unknowingly a tear left from eye.  İ quickly wipe it off while chuckling.

" Come on, you don't make breakfast for him. You made it for yourself. Why are you crying pabo?" She said to herself and sat down.

After having my breakfast I went towards my car and drove to college. On the way,

İn mind

He don't want to see my face. How will he love me? İ was fool to love him. He already cleared everything on the first day of marrige. Then, why I am crying over him? But when I see him with his Lisa why my heart hurts? Why my blood boils?

İ stopped the car at side and cried my heart out while placing my hands on my face.


İ arrived in college and straight went inside my classroom. I sit on my bench and opened my book.


Bell rings and I straight went to principle office. İ Knocked and went inside. İ looked up and saw he was sitting on chair talking with principle.

" Hi Ms Leena how are you ? How was you trip in Paris? " He asked and I spoke with light smile.

" İt was good . "

" Please sit "

İ sit down and principle asked

" İs everything alright Ms Leena"? He asked and I nod

" İt's important, Can I talk to you private, if u don't mind"? İ asked and principle looked at him.

" He is your husband Ms Leena, don't worry I know this. You don't have to worry about it." He said and I nod.

" İt's important so please sir" i requested and he stand up and shake his hand with principle and leave the room.

"So, tell me Ms Leena what is bothering you that you didn't like to talk infront of your husband" he asked and I chuckled.

" Sorry sir but he is my husband at home not here so please listen to me" he said and he lean back on his chair.

" My apologies, please continue" he said

" Sir, I want to leave my studies. " İ spoke and principle got shocked.

" İs Jungkook saying to you"? He questioned and shook my head.

" No sir, Its just I can't continue my studies anymore. İf it's possible to issue me a certificate then please give me. " İ said and he just nod.

" Ok As you wish. " He said and I left the office.

But did she know that he was listening to her. When she left his office, he immediately enter in the office and asked to clear him.

" Yes, what you hear outside is correct, she wants to leave her studies." He said and he got upset.


At night

İ don't have appetite. İ want to leave my studies. İ don't want to go college.

At 11:30 night

İ woke up due to empty stomach. İ stood up and went to kitchen to get some snacks.

İ was finding snacks for me in cabinets but just then someone open one of the cabinet and took out the snacks.

İ flinched because of it . İ turned around and my heartbeat got faster. He was holding a snack pack offering me. İ looked at him but decided to go my room.

" Let's talk" he said and my steps got stuck at their place.


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{Complete}My Unloving professor husband || Written by Jeonhelixz Where stories live. Discover now