CHP 37

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" Forgive me daughter" He said

" What does this mean?" I said

" You ask me to prove it So I am giving them permission" he says and I smiled at him with tears in my eyes. İ was about to hug him but his next words made my steps halted.

" But in one condition " he said and I my steps got halted.

" What c-con-ndition"? İ asked and he looked at me.

" He and his girlfriend will come to me and ask themselves about their marriage" he said

" But dad tell me what's this?" İ asked being confused.

" Oho when they both will come and ask themselves about this. So I will give them permission" he said

" Oh ok, you got me worried" i said and hugged him like fatherly.

" Thank you dad for this kindness" i said and backed away.

" After that you will have to live with us,okay" he said and close his fist 👊 and forward it in friendly Männer. İ also join my fist with his and we both laugh.

" Sometimes I think that I am young " He said

" You are always young dad" I said

" But your mom doesn't think that I am still young" he said and mom interrupted him .

" Yeah your child is doing another marriage and still you are young" she said

" Look, I told you na. She always think of me as old man" he said and I laugh at their tantrums on eachother.

" Ok stop you both are very young. İ am just old here." İ said and both stop.

" Who said you are old"? Both spoke at the same time.

" Why are you speaking like me?" Both again spoke at same time and I 😂 laugh at their childish behavior. They both are seriously amazing.

" Mom and dad I am going because I think I am getting late." İ said

" Take care of yourself" mom said and hugged me.

" Ok bye take care of yourself too" I said and went outside and sit in car and drove back to house.


İ arrived and opened the door. İ went inside and was about to go my room but a voice stops me.

" Where were you?" She asked while coming out of kitchen.

" Nothing matters to you" i said and she looked at me.

" Just tell me. What did his parents told you?" she said

"Don't worry I will tell you everything but first let me rest a lit bit. Don't you see I just enter inside? Do u think I am some kind of robot? " İ spoke and she was backed off little with my attitude.

" İ didn't meant to....... İ was curious so that's why I asked" she spoke and I just hummed at her and went to my room.

He was at college so I decided to stay in my room until he comes home. So I will tell them both. İt was now 4:00 pm. İt was his time to come home so I went to living room waiting for him.

After sometime I heared car honking sound. İt means he arrived. My heart was thumping rapidly. İ don't know what will be his reaction. What will he say to me?  Will he yell at me or will just do something that will make me cry?

He entered and saw she was drowned in thoughts. He straight went to his room and after changing he came in living room and sat
on sofa infront of her.

" How are you?" He asked and I just nod.

Lisa come and sit beside him. 

" So did they give permission?" She asked and he looked at me.

" They asked that you both will go them and ask by yourself" i said and they looked eachother.

" Tomorrow or today you have to go to them" i said

"Will they agree about it" he asked

" You will know it there" I spoke

" Thank you for this favor" she said and I smiled.

"Welcome" I spoke with my fake smile.

" İ think we should have to go" she spoke while standing up going towards main door. He also stand up and go behind her.

A tear rolled down from her eye.

" İf he is happy then I am happy" she says and wipe her eyes.


Next day

İ was sitting comfortably on sofa watching tv. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw Lisa was coming towards me. She sit beside me.

"Hello" she said

" Hi "

" İ don't know how to thank you. Words can't describe my happiness. Thank so much for your favour. Please forgive me for my behavior with you." She spoke

" İt's okay Lisa. He was meant for you. Someday you had to hold his hand for the rest of your life. İ am happy that his parents agreed for your marriage." İ Said and she nod her head.

" Yeah It happened because you. İf you didn't made them agree, I don't know what will have happened" she spoke

" İt's okay , btw do u decide marriage date?" İ asked and looked at me with smile.

" This weekend, and you are going to plan everything just the way you want. İ will be happy if you will do this" she said

"Yeah I will. İ will plan everything perfectly. And I know you will love it. " İ spoke

" Can you please help me with my wedding dress?" She asked

" Uh I will talk to designer to design your dress. You and ............. ...... Uh mr.jeon have to go and give your size to designer." İ spoke but when I was about to say about him. My words got stop because I don't know what will I call him now? Sir , Jungkook or Mr. Jeon. So I decided to say Mr jeon.

" Okay I will talk to him and we will go " she said while standing up excitedly and left from there.

İ also stood up and went to my room. İ took my phone and call Taehyung.

" İs it done?" İ asked

" Yeah almost" he replied

" Thnx "


Hi guys how are you feeling? Are you excited?


{Complete}My Unloving professor husband || Written by Jeonhelixz Where stories live. Discover now