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"Harry and Niall Styles?" the nurse called.

Harry and Niall immediately stood up from their seat with little three year old Liam in Niall's arms.

"That'll be us." Harry answered.

The nurse smiled and gestured, "Your baby is ready to come home with you."

They followed the nurse across the white hallways.

"Oh my god." Niall said excitedly, "He's here, oh my god, we're finally going to see him and take him home with us."

"Who come home with us?" Liam asked curiously.

"Zayn, Li! You're baby brother!" Harry said, "Didn't you want a baby brother?"

Liam smiled and clap his hands, "I big brother."

Harry and Niall adopted Liam before Liam was even born. Liam's real mom, Karen, got pregnant from a one night stand. She was only 18 by that time and jobless, she doesn't want her baby to have that kind of life so she asked help from an adoption center. Niall and Harry were 27 by that time and were already married for a year, they were now ready to start a family. Karen met Niall and Harry when she was one month pregnant, they discussed the adoption, fixed the papers and waited patiently.

When Liam was born, the first one to hold the baby was Niall. Karen didn't want to see and hold the baby because she was already attached to Liam during those 9 months with him growing inside her, seeing him already out and ready to face life will only make things harder for her to let go. Niall and Harry didn't see her in person after that, they only talked through the phone, the couple felt bad for Karen but promised her that they'll take good care of Liam and give him the life he deserves. Raising Liam was one of the best moments in Niall and Harry's life, sure it was hard and tiring, but they didn't mind once they hear Liam's laughter and see Liam's happy and bright eyes.

When Liam was three, Harry and Niall decided to add another member to their little family. Liam just smiled and clapped when he heard he's going to be a big brother, he doesn't really know what big brothers do, but he loves the idea of having a playmate with him who doesn't need to go home every 5 in the afternoon. The adoption process of their second child is the same as Liam's, there are two difference though, first, the reason of the real mom was because she already has three children and couldn't handle another one due to financial problems, second difference is, the family was a cat hybrid, meaning, the baby will be a cat hybrid as well, Niall and Harry never thought they'll adopt a hybrid before but they don't mind, hybrids are normal in their world.

Trisha Malik was the woman's name, Niall and Harry met her and her husband, Yaser Malik, when she was 7 months pregnant. Yaser was a little upset that he has to give away his only son, don't get him wrong, he loves his three princesses but having a son sounds exciting for him because he finally have someone to talk sports with and do all those manly stuff, but he knows that it's for the best of his son and for his family. He has one request though, to name the baby Zayn, which Harry and Niall granted.

"Zi play cars with Li now?" Liam asked a moment later.

Harry chuckled, "Zayn's still a little baby, Li, I don't think he can play with cars yet."

"Dada said Zi play cars." Liam pouted.

"When Zayn's a little older Li." Niall laughed softly before kissing Liam's forehead.

"Here we are." the nurse stopped in front of a wooden door.

"Thank you." Niall and Harry said before entering the room.

Trisha was on the bed with Yaser sitting beside her cooing at the blue bundle.

"He's so adorable." Yaser said while looking at the Styles family, his eyes glossy, "Want to meet your daddies little guy?" he cooed at the baby.

Trisha gestured for them to come closer, "Hurry up before we change our mind and take him home with us." she joked but her voice cracked.

Harry and Niall's hearts broke at that but Harry still took baby Zayn from Yaser. Trisha and Yaser left after saying their thanks and looking at Zayn one last time.

"Hi there, little Zaynie." Harry cooed at the baby, his heart melt at the way Zayn's golden eyes stare at him. Harry brushed Zayn's hair and was a little surprise with the two tiny black ears.

"Papa, Li see Zi." Liam whined.

Harry walked to them and showed Zayn.

"Oh my god, he's so cute." Niall gasped, "That's Zayn, Li, that's your little brother."

The first thing Liam noticed was Zayn's tiny cat ears. He stared at it curiously before looking at Harry and brushing his hair, he did the same with Niall, then to him.

"Why Zi have cat ears?" Liam curiously asked.

"Because his special." his daddies smiled.


"Li! Pa!" three year old Zayn giggled when he saw Liam entered the living room with Harry behind him.

"Hi, Zaynie! Look what Papa and I got you!" Liam smiled before opening his bag to retrieve a teddy bear.

Zayn's eyes sparkled and his kitty ears perked up at the sight of the teddy bear and made grabby hands at the bear. Liam smiled and knelt down before giving Zayn the bear, which Zayn hugged it tight.

"Do you like it Zaynie?" Harry asked as he took Zayn out of his playpen and sat on the sofa with Zayn on his lap and Liam beside him.

"Yes! Zaynie loves it lots and lots!" Zayn giggled and hugged Harry and also gave him a wet kiss, "Thank you, Lili! Thank you, Papa!" Zayn looked at Liam and opened his arms and made a kissy face. Liam laughed and hugged Zayn and let him kiss his cheek.

"Da! Da!" Zayn called for Niall, who was in the kitchen making lunch.

"Yes, Zaynie?" Niall entered the living room with a big plate of sandwiches.

Zayn didn't say anything but showed Niall his new teddy bear.

"That's a cute teddy bear, Zaynie!" Niall smiled as he put the plate on the table in front of the sofa then sat next to Harry and gave his husband a kiss.

"Daddy!" Liam smiled before getting up from his seat to sit on Niall's lap and gave his daddy a big sloppy kiss. The whole family laughed and cuddled together.


"Mommy, wake up." little seven year old Louis whimpered as he shakes his mother's shoulder.

He doesn't really know what happened. He was in his room playing with his toys when his mommy barged in and carried him to the guest room and place him in the cupboard inside the bathroom. His mommy was breathing hard and tears were running down her cheeks, Louis asked her why, but all his mommy is saying is "Mommy loves you so much." again and again. She told Louis to stay in there until she comes back. Louis obeyed and waited patiently, until he heard a loud bang and his mommy screaming and then another loud bang and a car's tire screeching outside. Louis checked downstairs to see what happened and was met with his mommy laying lifeless on the floor.

Louis whimpered and his ears flattened when his mommy isn't responding to him. He crawled to his mommy and wrapped himself around his mommy's arms.

AN: Dedicated to horanshouse for helping me with the plot! And also to all of my readers who supported 'Pregnant With My Best Friend's Baby' and 'Filling The Empty Space'





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