S2 Chapter 24

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[SHAMELESS ADVERTISING: Guess who's back and has a new fic out? Check out 'Payment Overdue', a Zourry fanfic in my profile!]

"Do you want me to carry those instead, Niall?" Louis asked as he observed how Niall struggles a little carrying two luggages.

"No, it's fine, Zayn might wake up." Niall said as he look how peaceful Zayn is sleeping while being carried by Louis.

They finally arrived at a hotel in Cameron's hometown. It's really late at night and everyone just wants to sleep.

"Luke, why can't you just carry me?" Michael whined as he drag his feet and bag on the floor.

Luke just rolled his eyes, too tired to answer back, and chose to just sit on the floor. Michael decided to join him but kept his mouth shut.

Liam is currently talking to the front desk with Harry, Calum's looking at their surroundings, observing every detail to learn the culture of this town, Ashton leaning on the dog hybrid and trying to get at least some little z's.

"We have room 806," Liam yawned, "It has two bedrooms with queen size beds inside and a living room with a sofa and tv. There are also some extra mattresses."

"Let's just decide who's sleeping where when we get in." Harry yawned.

It took 3 elevator rides until they're all inside the rooms with their things. It was decided that one bedroom will have Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn. The other bedroom will have Michael, Luke and Ashton. The two Alphas had volunteered to sleep on the large sofa in the living room since it has been a habit of theirs to guard and protect the family. Louis figured that Zayn will be too deep in sleep to realize he's not beside him, so it's okay.

Soon everyone just went to bed, only saying tired 'goodnight's to each other before leaving to their own rooms.


Louis slowly wakes up with a body feeling heavy. It was still quiet and dark. He groaned and tried to sleep on his side, only to feel a weight fall off his body followed by hearing a squeak and a whimper.

His eyes shot open and sat leaned up.

There on the floor, sitting a tired looking kitten, looking grumpily at Louis. His frown illuminated by the light outside that pierced through the curtains.

"Bad Lou." Zayn huffed as he crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, love, but what are you doing here? Get back to bed, it's late." Louis said tiredly.

Zayn just huffed again before picking up his teddy bear and jumping on the sofa with Louis.

The recliner sofa fits both of them, but Louis knows that sleeping on a mattress will be way more comfortable for his mate than in a sofa.

"Babe, you know sleeping on the mattress is more comfortable, right? Your back might ache in the morning." Louis sighed, but wrapped his arms around Zayn's waist, already knows that Zayn doesn't really care as long as he's with him.

Zayn just sighed happily and cuddled back.

The little moment had released a comforting aura, lulling them back to sleep in no time.


The next time Louis woke up, it's because of the sound of someone cooking. The smell of waffles cooking in the air. He slowly opened an eye, he looked down and saw Zayn still purring in his sleep with Zou in his arms, their legs and tail are tangled together, and Louis just wants to stay like this forever.

He was about to go back to sleep again due to the very comfortable feeling but Harry had saw him.

"Looks like whatever we do, he'll just keep on coming back to you, huh?" Harry said as he place the new batch of cooked waffles on a big plate.

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