S2 Chapter 19

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"That's it!" Niall snapped, "We're going to the doctors and demand for an alternative medicine, Harry." he said before storming to his closet to get some coats for him and Harry.

"B-but... I swear-" Harry was cut off.

"Now. Harry." Niall glared at him.

"We'll... uh... we'll take care of everything here... you need to go, Pa." Liam said as he took his baby brother from Michael, "This is getting a little too far."

"Y-you don't believe me?" Harry's heart ached.

"Pa, the video is showing you choking yourself. I'm not saying you're doing it for attention nor am I saying I don't trust you, but this delusions are getting out of hand." Liam explained, "Just go to the hospital for an alternative medicine for your injuries, Pa. Think of Zayn, you're affecting him too."

The kitten was just cuddled to Liam's chest, swiping at his messy bed hair, and purring when Liam stroked his hair.

"You don't understand-" Harry was cut off again.

"There's no one in the house." Louis said as he entered the room, Calum following behind.

"But I did found a squirrel inside Michael's and Luke's room." Calum said as he raised the said animal.

"Take that evil fucker away from here!" Michael shrieked as he went behind Luke, "That demon is on to me, I swear!"

Luke sighed, "Michael, how many times do I have to tell you that-"

"It's in our room, Luke! It has planned my death and was going to execute it tonight!" Michael said with a horrified expression, "And that's because I accidentally kicked its walnut into the drain! It wants revenge!"

Luke just sighed.

"I think someone else has some delusional problem." Ashton chuckled, but went quiet when Harry glared at him, "Right... sorry..."

"Let's go, Harry, we need to get help before another delusional attack happens." Niall muttered as he gave Harry his coat, "You boys be good while we're gone."


Harry stays quiet as Niall explains what happened to the doctor.

'This is a waste of time...' Harry thought.

And it kinda is.

Harry had stopped taking his medicines ever since Niall made a theory that it was causing him to be delusional. But it didn't stop, he kept on hearing and seeing Cameron everywhere. It only made him uncomfortable and in pain as his body is struggling to fully heal without those healing aids.

It wasn't that long since he stopped taking the pills, but shouldn't that at least lessen that delusional effect? What Harry experienced earlier was too strong and too real even if it's only a short time that he's missing his meds.

"That is... rather strange..." the doctor commented, pulling Harry out of his thoughts, "Never did we ever have anyone complain about delusions while taking these."

"Everyone's different, I guess." Niall shrugs, "Can you prescribe different ones? This is getting too far and affecting our whole family."

"I suppose I can, but this is still worrying me. If you two have time, I recommend seeing this psychiatrist-"

"Wait, what? What for? What are you trying to say?" Harry frowned, "You're not implying I'm..." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles, but never did we ever encountered anyone who had delusions from taking these pills. It may have something to do with your traumatic event with this rabid hybrid your husband is telling me about." the doctor explained, "Now, Dr. Jogia is an amazing psychiatrist, he'll surely help you. I'll even call him to put you in a priority list." she said.

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