Chapter 7

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Louis bites his nails as he stares at Zayn's sleeping form.

They've been trapped inside the house for three days now because of the bad weather (Well, Louis sneaks out to get food.). Within those days, Louis learned a lot about Zayn and Zayn only learned an edited version of Louis' life. And within those two days, Louis' starting to get scared by how he's getting attached to Zayn, so attached that he can't think of ever separating with him. It's really weird how quickly Louis got this attached and possessive considering the short time they've been together.

It confuses and scares him, but at the same time, there's something deep within him that feels this is how things should be, like no matter how fuck up and selfish that is, it says that Zayn should stay there with him.

Zayn has a family he belongs to, Louis' logical sense says, but his emotional part says other wise.

But how would you protect him while you're looking for your father?

Louis' torn.


"Is everyone ready?" Harry asked as he started the RV he had bought two days ago.

The Styles could no longer sit around and wait by the phone for any reports on Zayn. They would now try and help on the investigation by going out and trying to track Zayn down. The officers have been kind enough to let lend them some information to start with their journey. They spent a day preparing for this long trip, Harry looking for an RV, Niall preparing the necessities for the trip, and Liam collects more information on Louis and where he might go to.

Niall buckled his seatbelt on the passenger seat and nod to Harry, while Liam shouted a 'yes' from where he was seating at the back.

"Zayn has been spotted on a diner an hour and a half away from the motel, and witness said they went north from there." Niall told Harry.

Harry nodded, "It'll take us a day to get to there. So I'm thinking that we should rest for the night and start asking around town the next day."

Niall sighed, hoping that it would take them faster, but nodded nonetheless.

"Here we go..." Harry muttered before he started driving.


"Louis, when are we getting out of the house?" Zayn huffed, crossing his arms.

The two are in the living room again, just sitting on the sofa next to each other. Zayn wanted to cuddle, but with Louis' internal conflict right now, he looked for an excuse not to.

"I'm not sure myself, Z." Louis shrugged. 'I don't even know where we will go next.' he thought.

No matter how much Louis tries to form at least a theory on where his father might be, he ends up either forming nothing at all or end up thinking of Zayn. It's mostly the last one, and Louis can't help but get frustrated at the weird fluttering feeling in his stomach and at the heavy weight on his chest.

"I'm bored." Zayn whined while he tugged on Louis' shirt.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Louis sighed.

"Go out." Zayn said hopefully, he crawled closer to Louis, showing off his begging golden eyes, his black tail swaying softly, "I'm bored inside here and it's not raining as hard as yesterday anymore!"

Louis looked outside, it's still raining hard, but not hard enough that you can't go outside. He turned back to Zayn and blushed at the closeness.

After contemplating on a few minutes, Louis sighed, "Fine, let's go."

He decided that he needed to get out too, and he doesn't have to worry about people being suspicious about how he was so covered from head to toe, since it was raining hard.

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