Chapter 8

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"There you go..." Niall said to himself as he pinned another missing poster of Zayn on a wall, praying to God that the rain won't ruin the poster.

He heard a tsk beside him, a middle aged woman holding an umbrella gave him a sympathetic look, "Poor child, I hope you'll find him soon."

It was the next day since the Styles arrived at the town where Zayn was last seen. They woke up to a rainy morning but that didn't stop them from wearing their rain coats and posting posters and asking people about Zayn. It's almost 5PM and no luck so far...

Niall sighed and handed her a poster, "Please, Miss, help us spread the word."

"Will do the best that I can." she smiled at him before walking away.

"Dad! Dad!" Liam ran to him with Harry following behind.

"What is it?" Niall asked.

"They... they..." Liam panted, holding on his knees.

"Someone from a diner recognized Zayn." Harry answered for Liam.

"They said that he was with another cat hybrid who has brown hair. The person was hard to recognize cause he was hidden from their view and with the clothes he was wearing, but I think it was Louis." Liam explained.

"Oh my god," Niall gasped, "Did they see which direction they went?"

"Unfortunately no." Harry sighed, "But at least we know we're heading to the right way. The weather's bad so I'm hoping that they're still near."

Niall nodded, "I hope so too."

It started to rain stronger and get darker, "We need to go back." Liam said.

"What? Wait, maybe another hour-"

"Niall, the weather's getting worse, no one's around to ask, and we can't afford getting sick." Harry argued, "Let's just go back to the hotel, alright? We have to tell the police about Zayn being here, maybe they can help and send more people to help us search." 

"Right... okay..." Niall bit his lip and followed Harry and Liam back to the RV.

When they got in, Harry started the car after helping Niall settle in, while Liam immediately flopped on the seat at the back, light snores were heard a while.

The drive was quiet and a little slow as to not get into an accident with the slippery road.

"Shit!" Harry stepped on the break, as the car in front of him suddenly stopped, "Looks like he accidentally hit the car in front of him." Harry groaned.

Niall groaned and just looked at the scene outside from his window, he saw a glimpse of an old house in a middle of a field behind a row of trees, he smiled as a fond memory of his childhood appeared before him, a little him and a slightly older boy plays around the field as their parents watch from the porch. The fondness feeling disappeared however when he remembered what happened to his and his family's relationship when he grew up...

"That house looks so old... I can't believe it's still standing with this kind of weather." Niall stated, wanted to be distracted from the sad memory of being separated from his brother.

"Looks like someone's still living in it." Harry commented.

"Yeah, looks like there is." Niall commented staring at the house before looking in front, "Can't you just turn and drive pass them, Harry?

"Oh, yeah sure..." Harry said before turning and driving pass the two angry drivers fighting under the rain.

Niall's eyes returned to the old house, can't help but feel something like it's important, however he just shook his head and looked forward, dismissing it as just a feeling from the childhood memory.


Louis can't believe it, he finally have a possible lead to his father. He can't be mistaken, the man in the picture looks so familiar, and other than that, he can't believe that he found Greg's father, judging from their last names and how old the guy is, he's old enough to be Greg's father...

"Small world, huh?" Louis chuckled to himself.

His cat ears twitched as he heard angry yelling outside, he rolled his eyes when he saw that it was two men yelling at each other about their cars colliding, and whose fault it was.

Louis returned to the table and examined the ID, he looked at the address and realized that it's not that far from there, but not close either. He started forming a plan on how he'll confront him, he just hopes that this guy is still in contact with his dad, better yet, stays with his dad.

"Lou?" A tired voice came, accompanied by a strong scent that made Louis moan and hot.

"Zayn, what are you doing up? You should be resting." Louis said quietly, trying to calm himself down.

Zayn just pouted, "I'm hungry."

Louis nodded, went to the fridge and grabbed a burger he ordered while he was out, "Here, now go back upstairs, alright? You need rest."

Zayn just nodded and went back upstairs, and Louis let out a huge breath as the scent's beginning to fade, "This is going to be harder than I thought, what will I do with Zayn while I look for Bobby Horan? I can't take him right now cause of his heat... And that lasts for about a week." Louis groaned, "It'll be harder if I wait a little longer, but I can't just leave him alone... I'll be gone a little longer and he's too vulnerable right now."

There was a twist in his gut when a possible solution came in his mind, return Zayn...

Louis hissed at nothing in particular, and his blood boiled at the thought of being separated from him. His eyes widened in surprised and he shook his head, confused by the sudden behaviour,

'Why is the thought of being separated from Zayn pissed me off so much?' he thought to himself, 'Is it the fear of being alone again?'

Louis pulled on his hair out of frustration, "Am I falling... No! No, it's just... I just want a friend, yeah... I just want someone to talk to that doesn't judge me... I just want a friend. Yeah, that's it, friend and nothing more than that..."

He kept telling himself over and over again, like he didn't just decided to delay his plans of finding Bobby for a week for Zayn's sake...

Like he didn't just decided to risk himself of being caught by staying locked in the same location for another week and for what?

For someone who is just a friend...

AN: Hey guys! I'm still trying to get back to writing so please excuse this chapter, still trying to get back to writing and remember this story's plot...

My break has started and unfortunately it's not that long, but since I only have like 13 units next term, I'm going to like try and update even if the break's over, like have a regular update schedule like once a week??? Since I don't have Saturday classes anymore... but it's just a plan, so don't get your hopes high...

Anyway, hope you like the chapter! :)





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