S3 Chapter 3 Part 1

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"Wait, Louis!"

Louis growled at the voice, his alpha getting defensive, "What?!"

"Whoa... sorry! But you need this." Luke said as he hand a box of pills, "Er... I'm sure Harry and Niall wouldn't want to be grandparents just yet. It's like a birth control, but modified for hybrids so it's effects are immediate, more reliable, and will take a week to lose its effect." Luke explained, "This is going to be a week long thing, and Liam advised that you two shouldn't leave the room, because I'm sure Harry will step in and stop this, so Michael and I will be bringing you guys food and water."

Louis' eyes widened at the realization, his expression softened as he took the pills, "Thanks... I appreciate it." he smiled softly.

"Right, here's a glass of water, make sure Zayn takes a pill before you two... uh... do your thing." Luke blushed, "I'll be off then." he said before walking away.

Zayn's loud mewls pulled Louis back into the trance, his alpha mode back in control.

"Zayn...?" Louis called softly, as he entered the room.

The scent the omega release smelled like heaven for the alpha. His glazed eyes immediately looked at the source. Zayn was writhing on the their bed, releasing loud and needy mewls.

Louis took a deep breath, though even if his alpha had taken control, he can't help but feel nervous. He and Zayn had done something sexual before during his rut, but now they'll be going all the way.

"L-Lou...?" the kitten groaned, "H-hurts..." he whimpered.

The alpha took another deep breath, trying to contain himself and not just jump on the bed and rip the omega's clothes off so he could finally claim what's his.

"I know, Z, but I'll help you, yeah?" Louis breathed out, the delicious scent is making the beast inside him hard to control, "You need to drink something first, okay?" he said softly.

Zayn nodded, watching Louis with eyes filled with desire. His Lou smells so good right now, and there's something within the kitten that urgently needs him. Zayn can't quite understand what it was, but all he knows is that he wants Louis' hugs and kisses right now.

So the kitten quickly took the pill with the water. He purrs when Louis caressed his cheeks as the older placed the bottle away, "Z, you need to listen to me, okay?" Louis said softly as he sat next to the raven.

Zayn just purrs, crawling on Louis' lap and nuzzling on his neck, he whimpers when he felt uncomfortable in his loose sweatpants.

Louis groaned when he felt that Zayn's hard against his stomach, his own hands starting to find themselves roaming Zayn's torso under the white shirt, "Z, listen, remember what we did during my rut?"

Zayn purred out a 'yes', moaning softly from Louis' gently touch.

"We're going to do that again, yeah? But uhm... this time... if you're ready, we... can go further...?" Louis gasped out when he felt Zayn nibbling on his neck.

"Further...?" Zayn pulled away to look at Louis with wide eyes glazed with desire.

"Y-yeah, and if you're ready right now... we can finally... claim each other..." Louis said, smiling softly as he once again began stroking his mate's cheek.

"'Claim'?" Zayn purred as he leaned on the touch, his body heating up.

"Like we're going to be together forever, Z." Louis explained in the most simplest way he can think of.

He may have let his alpha have more control, but Louis wants a confirmation from Zayn. He wants to give Zayn a choice if he's ready to be fully committed to him. It may be silly since it's obvious how attached the two are with each other, but Louis would feel better knowing that Zayn has full consent.

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