Chapter 17

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"Zayn, shouldn't you be sleeping right now? It's almost 12 midnight." Luke said when he saw the young hybrid walked in the living room.

"Lou?" Zayn asked as he tilted his head.

"Z, he'll be home later, okay? Go to sleep." Luke gave him a reassured smile, though he is a little worried in the inside.

"Can't sleep." Zayn pouted, "Don't want to be alone."

"Oh... well, you can sit here with me if you want." Luke said as he pat the seat next to him.

Zayn just nodded before sitting next to Luke. The blonde watched as the hybrid yawned and rubbed his eyes. Luke has always been curious about hybrids, he's always amazed by how animals' DNAs can be mixed with humans, giving them unique features, abilities and behaviour. He doesn't know about hybrids' abilities and behaviours that much, besides the fact that it's probably connected on what animal they're mixed with.

Luke dreamt of studying hybrids in the future when he was little, however, he threw that dream away after being mocked and laughed at by his family. The dream still bothers him though, no matter how much he shoves it away, but now that he met Zayn and Louis, he couldn't help but feel a little hope, he got to observe two hybrids closely! Hell, Luke got to admit that one of the reasons he helped them is to learn more about them. It's a win-win situation if Luke says so.

Luke had a little old notebook where he writes his observations on Zayn and Louis. He took notes from Zayn's kitten like personalities to Louis' somewhat possessive personality. It brought another interesting concept for Luke; hybrids' relationships. It was brought to his attention when he observed how attached Zayn is to Louis, he concluded before that it must be from his childlike personality, where children gets attached to someone they really look up to and think is really 'cool', but shouldn't that childlike personality be looking for their parents right now? Luke's shocked that Zayn never mentioned his family, or bothered to question why he wasn't with them, but when it comes to Louis, he was already missing him after a few hours of being gone?

There are a lot of times where Luke wants to ask Zayn about that, but he's a little worried that it might trigger something, like Zayn realizing he wants to go back to his real home. That won't end well to any of them.

"Where Lou go?" Zayn asked now laying down with his head near Luke.

Luke stared at Zayn's innocent hazel eyes, it doesn't have that playful tint in them, "He just needs to do something, Z, maybe if you sleep now time will go fast and Louis will be back here once you wake up." he tried to reassure.

Zayn just frowned and looked at the what's showing in the tv. He got bored quickly and just feels so empty. Zayn started mewling and rubbing his head on Luke's hand. The said blonde was a little taken aback, cause 1) he didn't know hybrids can exactly imitate their animals' sound, and 2) Zayn's actions; even though Zayn declared that they're friends, the kitten hybrid is a little shy around him, Zayn doesn't playfully attack Luke's hand like he does with Louis nor does Zayn try to jump out and scare Luke like what Zayn always fail to do with Louis.

Luke isn't exactly sure what to do, but he slowly tried to rub Zayn's head just like how a cat usually like, and it works! Zayn's purring and crawled a little closer. Luke made sure to remember to write this down later, together with some possible theories on why Zayn's behaving this way.

"You okay, Zayn?" Luke asked.

Zayn just nodded and yawned, "Bored."

"You're just sleepy." Luke chuckled.

Zayn pouted at him, "Wait for Lou."

"I don't think Louis will be happy if he finds out you stayed up this late." Luke raised an eyebrow at the kitten hybrid.

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