S2 Chapter 9

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"I don't know, I just don't feel too good about him." Louis admitted as he watch Zayn sleep next to him.

"Maybe because you're just jealous?" Michael asked as he made himself comfortable on their mattress on the floor.

"Yeah, since Cameron gets along better with everyone than you, but you gotta understand that it's because the Styles knew him longer." Luke agreed beside Michael.

They don't have any more spare room so Michael and Luke moved in Zayn's and Louis'. It's also a way for Harry to make sure that Louis' keeping his hands to himself. The brunette cat hybrid didn't seem to mind since he's no longer in his rut, and he can now freely sleep beside Zayn without hiding, and they had gotten rid of the baby radio Louis had somehow forgotten about, but thank god so did Harry and Niall, no one heard about Louis' and Zayn's little bed adventures those nights ago. But Louis still couldn't help but think why Cameron didn't just share with Liam, no one questioned though, Harry and Niall's in charge, they can do whatever they want in their own house.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about him." Louis sighed.

"Hm, must be some alpha insecurity thing." Luke said, "It's natural I think, I mean he's an alpha and looks to be favored more, so it's expected that you feel a little threatened around him."

"Well... that does make sense."

"Well, I don't think you should be." Michael said, "I mean Zayn's pretty much attached to you and all."

"I'm not worried about Zayn around him, I'm worried about him around Zayn." Louis sighed, "Cameron can easily take advantage of Zayn. What if something happens while I'm out or not around my mate?"

"He seems to be a chill guy." Michael answered, "The Styles had known him for years, so I doubt he's bad news."

"Yeah, don't get too work up. Zayn's parents wouldn't just let a threat sleep under the same roof as their 'precious baby'." Luke added.

"I suppose so..."


Louis' cat ears flattened on his head as he wrap his tail around himself. It was the third time that he pissed Harry off throughout the day. Well, it is understandable since Louis had been messing up a lot of things at work; he mixed up some orders, made a mess while decorating some desserts, and almost burned batches of pastries three times. The hybrid is surprised Harry isn't screaming at him yet, just glaring as he clench his jaws before releasing a frustrated sigh and another stern warning.

"Dude, what's up with you? Harry will blow any minute." Michael asked as he roll some dough on his work station.

"Nothing... it's just-"

"You're worried about Zayn." Luke finished as he placed the freshly baked cookies on the table.

Louis sighed before cleaning up the cupcakes he accidentally dropped, "I just can't help it."

"Niall's with him, he'll be fine." Luke said as he work, "And I think Calum left work early because he's not feeling well, but I'm sure he'll keep an eye on Zayn since he knows you're paranoid."

"That kinda made me feel better, I really owe Calum a lot." Louis sighed in relief.

"You saved us from that horrible drug filled life, it's the least that we could do, and we'll be forever grateful for you." Michael smiled as he pat Louis' shoulder when he passed by to get some materials on the shelf at the corner.

Louis can't help but smile and feel his chest swell with pride from the appreciation. It's funny how that simple gesture had lifted up his mood and became less paranoid about his kitten at home. Positive thoughts filled his mind as he work efficiently, humming and letting his tail sway slowly.

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