S3 Chapter 7

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[AN: Do people still read this? If you are a loyal reader, I just want to say so sorry! I had to take care of a few stuff the last few months, plus I had a major writersblock, plus our stupid internet still sucks, but I really miss writing... 

I also finally transferred in a new uni and I'm finally taking my dream course which is Game Development. First day was earlier and it went okay :) x 

Also I have no idea how the royal stuff actually works, I just based them on other fics I've read. And bad case of writersblock so I'm just writing a bunch of shit I can come up right now so sorry if it's so bad! I just wanna get back to writing!

Last note! This plot/actor for the Prince was planned with my friend ziameternally (Idk if you'll still read my books after being gone for so long, but thank you so much for helping me with this anyway! :) x )]

The Styles family plus Louis felt a little nervous as they wait in the grand living room for the Royal family. Zayn's tucked under Louis' arm, feeling a little anxious with what's happening around him.

"I hope they could rethink about this." Niall whispered to Harry after looking at how worried the two hybrids are.

"There could be a chance, they haven't announced anything about the contents of the capsule to the public yet." Harry said as he squeezed his husband's hand in comfort.

"I think they're coming." Liam said softly as he noticed the guards heading to the door.

The fancy looking door opened revealing the King and Queen theirselves. Huge smiles on their faces as they entered the room. Zayn quickly hides on Louis' chest, ears flat and tail wrapped around himself, trying to make himself look as small as possible. Louis tighten his hold on Zayn in return, softly rubbing a hand up and down on the younger's back.

"Good evening." the King smiled, "You must be the Styles."

They bowed in respect, "Yes, your highness." Harry answered, "I'm Harry. This is my husband, Niall. My eldest, Liam." he introduced his family, hesitating a little when he reach to Zayn and Louis, "My youngest, Zayn, and his mate, Louis."

The King and Queen didn't seem too surprised that the person their son is supposed to marry is already mated. It didn't surprised them though, they're probably already informed about it yesterday and had already gotten over the shock and have formed a solution. Whatever this solution may be makes the family nervous.

"We are pleased to meet you all, especially my son's supposedly fiancé." the Queen smiled at Zayn, making Zayn blush, "However, we see that we have a little problem." she frowned as she looks at Louis.

"May we go to the dining hall to discuss this? Unfortunately, our son may be a little late tonight." the King offered to the family, who just nodded.

As they walk with the King talking about the interior, the Queen observed the two hybrids, how Zayn's clinging to Louis and how the said brunette is whispering something to the raven's ear. She felt her heart break at their situation, it is a little complicated at the moment, but the King is set on going through the marriage. The Queen felt annoyed because the reason was their Royal advisor is pressuring the King to do so, saying about how they'll look bad for breaking a Royal promise. Breaking two mated hybrids will make them look bad, but they have the power to hide that fact. It's too cruel for the family so they had compromised.


The compromised was announced in the middle of the dinner.

"Give the Prince 6 months to make Zayn fall in love with him?" Liam repeated with a weird look on his face.

The King nodded, "We mean no offence, but there are few but none unheard of cases when mated hybrids don't work out together."

Louis looked doubtful of that, he never heard of such cases, but then again he felt relieved with the proposed compromised. There's no way in hell Zayn's going to choose someone over him, after all they've been together and how bullshit that fact about mated hybrids breaking up sounds. But then again, there's something inside him nagging, surely they wouldn't be that easy...

"We request that Zayn spends the day everyday for 6 months here, to spend time with the Prince." the Queen explained, "In the end, Zayn will choose between the Prince or his mate."

Harry thought about it, "When will this start?"

"Hopefully, next week, Mr. Styles." the King answered, "We would be quiet about this until then."

"But what will happen when Zayn stays with Louis?" Niall asked.

"Then I wish you two the best." the King smiled.

"That's... that's it?" Louis finally spoke up.

"Well, we can't just force you two to break up now, can we?" the Queen said softly.

Something still felt wrong but Louis just nodded.

Maybe he's just overthinking...

There was a sound of doors opening, "Good evening, everyone. I apologize for being late." the Prince came in.

The Styles family and Louis' eyes widened. They had never seen much of the Prince before, but now that they see him in person, they can't help but be in awe at how handsome the Prince looks.

 They had never seen much of the Prince before, but now that they see him in person, they can't help but be in awe at how handsome the Prince looks

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The King introduced the Styles family, even Louis as Zayn's mate, but just like the Royal couple's reaction earlier, Prince Matthew stays unfazed, just gave everyone a smile and a little bow before turning to Zayn. He gave him a dazzling smile and bowed to kiss his hand. It made the raven hybrid blush, ears and tail perking up in surprised. Louis tried to contain his growl, how dare does he kiss his mate's hand?!

"Nice to finally meet you, Zayn." Prince Matthew smiled.


Louis gets it now.

Why that's the compromise. The Prince had been nothing but charming the whole night, talking about things with so much passion that impresses Harry and Niall. Louis knows that Harry does not give a fuck much about art, but Harry had been nothing but in awe earlier. Even Liam was amazed when the Prince had talked about his physical training with sword fighting and such. Hell, even Zayn was amazed with how the Prince had told a fantasy story he had made himself.

All in all, Louis doesn't feel so relieved anymore. The Prince was perfect, and could give Zayn everything he wants.

And now that Zayn's going to be spending everyday in their place for 6 months?

Zayn will surely fall in love with Prince Matthew in no time.

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