S2 Chapter 22

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Zayn yawns as he cuddles to Louis' chest. They are on the way home with Liam driving, Harry on the passenger seat, and Michael beside them. The kitten preferred being on Louis' lap right now. Harry doesn't really agree with it, but Zayn was getting cranky earlier and no one would like an irritated kitten on the way home.

"Tired from working, Z?" Harry asked gently.

Zayn just nodded, stretching and moving around to find a comfortable position to sleep on Louis' lap.

Louis sneaked a kiss to Zayn's forehead when Harry looked away. It made the raven purr happily and rub his face against Louis' neck. A smile formed on the brunette's face when he felt a small lick and heard Zayn purring.

"I have so much missed calls from Luke." Michael's eyes widened when his phone finally opened thanks to Liam's power bank.

"Maybe he missed you so much." Liam teased.

Michael blushed but grin, "The day I've been waiting for."

"Did he text anything?" Harry asked, curious that maybe it's about his condition. Don't get him wrong, he supports Michael's relationship with Luke, but Harry would really want to know about what Cameron did to him, and if the blonde had finally found a way to 'cure' him.

"Yeah, actually but my phone is being a little bi... uh... witch." Michael groaned when his phone froze and he can't open his messages, "I need a new phone."

"Didn't we just give you your salary last week?" Liam asked.

"I used it to buy a new camera to film for my youtube stuff." Michael explained.

"Well, that's still good actually." Liam nodded.

"Salary?" Louis' ear twitched, he doesn't remember getting paid last week.

"Ah, we haven't given yours yet since you weren't at work. I was just reminded by now, I'll give it to you later." Liam smiled at Louis through the rear mirror.

Louis' heart leaped at that.

His first hard earned salary...

Excitement filled him as he had finally done something productive in life. He can't wait to save a lot and buy his Zayn something beautiful. Louis can't wait to see his mate's hazel eyes sparkle when he receives something Louis bought. 

The thought filled Louis with happiness before looking at his lover. The kitten had fallen asleep with his and Louis' tails intertwined together.

A small smile did also formed in Harry's face when he saw how his son and Louis is cuddled together. Though he did hide it by looking at his window. Sure he's still very upset that his youngest had found himself a lover, it still makes Harry upset that Zayn wouldn't be depending on him as much. But then, he saw how dedicated Louis is. Didn't give up when Harry almost murdered him, didn't give up when people are talking behind his back, didn't give up when he had the chance to months ago. Instead, Louis took care of Zayn, fought for him, loved him in the way that Harry never knew is still possible for Zayn's childlike personality.

It's not that Harry regretted keeping Zayn's innocence all his life, but he does feel kinda guilty for not giving Zayn a chance to live his life with how he could have wanted it.

But Zayn turned out to still be amazing. Smart, charming, adorable and the sweetest kitten that Harry had ever met.

'Well, I mean... I am his father, it's natural that he inherited those traits.' Harry chuckled softly at the thought, no regrets in how he raised his son.

It was cut short when a sudden pain stabbed his stomach. He flinched and groaned as he rub his stomach.

"Is everything okay, Pa?" Liam asked with worry.

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