S3Chapter 9

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Zayn's in heaven right now.

Well, one of his versions of heaven at least. Being with Louis is heaven for Zayn, but that's not the case right now.

His eyes shining with excitement as they roam around the room, scanning each art supply, walking closer to inspect certain items.

"I take it that you like that art studio?" the hybrid butler, Zayn couldn't remember the name of, chuckled.

Zayn's ears perked up, tail swaying, "Yes! Loves it lot!" his child like personality shouted excitedly, "Can't wait to make pretty pictures!"

The butler smiled, still unsure about the whole arranged marriage thing with someone like Zayn.

Ever since meeting the Styles last week, he had been assigned to do more background research on them, on Zayn particularly, and his relationship with Louis.

He couldn't really imagine Zayn ruling like this. Sure, he read about how mating could make someone more mature, but he had never seen Zayn act as one. Which made him really suspicious of his whole relationship with Louis. And speaking of the said hybrid, he doesn't really have the best record. A criminal, he found out, but later revealed to be innocent.

Either way, everything will be chaotic if that went out to the public, so he had been very strict about everything lately. Only giving little to no explanation about their guests, and only letting trusted employees see them and serve them.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a feet stomp and a huff.

The butler looked at the source, "Is everything alright, sir Zayn?" he asked as he walked to the hybrid.

"Can't reach." Zayn pouted as he pointed at box of acrylic paint tubes.

The older chuckled before reaching for the item. He can't help but smile when Zayn clutched it to his chest with a grin.


"Louis, can you relax?" Michael commented as he watched Louis drop a tray for the tenth time that day, "I need to finish this bundle order, and I don't think the customer will appreciate the icing being all over the place." he explained as he cleaned the icing he accidentally squeezed out due to the loud noise the tray made when it hit the floor.

"Sorry..." Louis muttered with a sigh as he picked up the tray.

"I'm pretty sure Zayn's alright." Luke offered to comfort as he finished packing a box of cake, "You shouldn't worry too much about it. You'll be able to feel it when he's in distress."

"I know, but what if it's the actual opposite? What if he's happy there?" Louis sighed with a frown as he sat on the stool.

"Are you saying you want Zayn miserable there?" Liam raised an eyebrow.

Louis' eyes widened, ears perked straight with his tail, "No! I don't want him sad or anything. I mean, what if he's so happy there that he doesn't want to come back?"

Liam chuckled, "Louis, you know Zayn isn't too fond of being alone in a place without us for too long. I'm sure he'll be jumping on your arms when he gets home."

"But what if-"

"No buts, Louis." Liam cut him off, "Have faith in my baby brother, have faith in your, mate."

"I do, it's just-"

"If the Prince did anything bad to him, you'll feel it right away." Liam looked him straight in the eye, "Relax, okay? Zayn might feel you stressing out, and it'll affect him too."

The cat hybrid sighed, "I guess... I mean, I can call him in an hour, right?"

Harry and Niall bought a phone for Zayn to check up on him while he's in the royal place. They even gave Louis one since they know how worried he'll be with his mate away. Louis' so grateful and promised to work harder and all, the couple smiled.

"Of course, I bet Zayn has a lot of stories to tell already." Liam chuckled.


Zayn hums as he looked at the blank canvas in front of him. Kitty Zayn had decided to step out of a bit after drawing a lot of pictures in his new sketchbook. Adult Zayn wanted to come out and check out the whole new art supplies.

Being there is giving him bad anxiety, but art had always calmed him down. Plus the Prince had something important to do so he's just with the butler named Lance. He's cool and all, talking and listening to Kitty Zayn's story. But now, the other hybrid is busy doing some papers, giving Zayn some wanted alone time.

Zayn had wanted to paint in a real canvas before, but now that he's in front of it, he can't help but draw blank with what to create. Sure they said that Zayn can use the room to his heart's content, but he doesn't like the idea of wasting expensive materials.

His phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. He checked it and smiled at the name.

"Lou!" he greeted excitedly, Kitty Zayn trying to gain back control, "Missed you lots!"

His mate chuckled, "I missed you too, Z. How's everything there?"

"Draw lots of pretty pictures! Will show Lou later!" he said excitedly, "They have lots of colours so Zayn drew everyone!"

"That's great, love, I'm glad you're having a great time."

"Lou should come here! Draw together!" Zayn suggested excitedly.

"I wish we could, Z, but I have work." Louis chuckled, "So you're just been drawing the whole day? Did you do anything else?"

"Ate ice cream. Was yummy." Zayn hummed, "Lou should try it too! They have lots!"

"Well, someone's going to be hyper later." Louis teased.

"Don't tell Daddy and Papa." Zayn pouted.

"You're secret's safe with me, love." Louis laughed, "Anyway, I'll need to go back to work, yeah? See you tonight, Z. Love you."

Zayn felt so warm hearing those words, a wide smile on his face, "Love Lou lots and lots too! Bye bye!" he said before they hang up.

The smile didn't leave Zayn's face, it didn't falter even a bit when Adult Zayn came up, though he did feel kinda jealous that Kitty Zayn took all the time. He wanted to ask how Louis' feeling, he could feel a negative feeling earlier. Zayn wanted to reassure Louis, tell him how much he loves him and nothing will change that.

An idea popped up on Zayn's mind.

With a huge grin, he turned back to the canvas.


If you're still reading this, I can't thank you enough for being loyal to this book. I promise to work harder on it from now on, unless unfortunately college become more demading. Good news though, I learned how to manage my time, so if I finish college stuff on time, updates should come out every week.

Patreons get first look though, and I'm thinking they'll see the chapter 3 days before public release, and of course, they even have a chance to decide what happens in a story through polls! If interested, visit my Patreon page and pledge!



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