Chapter 6

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"The police said a woman from a motel reported that Zayn stayed there for a night." Liam informed his parents after he hung up from the call.

"What is my baby doing there?" Niall stared at Liam in horror, "Why didn't she reported it earlier?"

"She didn't know he was missing until police arrived there and asked her about it. Z-Zayn was with Louis apparently." Liam decided that there's no use hiding that fact, he knows it'll freak his parents out but, it's better if he say it now than waiting for them finding out and get mad at him for keeping it a secret.

Harry's eyes widened, "L-Louis...? As... as in...?"

"Tomlinson." Liam finished.

"Oh my god..." Niall gasped, "Harry, our baby was in a motel with a fucking criminal!"

"Ni, m-maybe-"


"Niall, please calm do-"

"Calm down? You want me to fucking calm down?! HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN A CRIMINAL IS KEEPING OUR SON HOSTAGE! NOT TO MENTION THAT OUR SON IS INNOCENT! THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE PROBABLY TOOK THAT AS AN ADVANTAGE" Niall yelled at his husband, his face turning red as tears rushed down his face.

Liam felt helpless at the situation, he couldn't do anything but bite his lip nervously as he watch his pa calm his dad down by wrapping his arms around him.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT, HARRY!" Niall screamed making Harry freeze, "Maybe-maybe if you double check your things, like I always tell you, this wouldn't happen! Zayn would still be here, safe and sound with us!"

Harry's biting his lips now, his eyes glossy but he's trying to hold it in. He moved away from Niall slowly.

"Dad, maybe we should go upstairs for a while." Liam suggested slowly.

By this time, Niall realized what he just shouted and immediately regretted it, "Wait, Harry, I-"

"I think you should go upstairs. Liam bring your dad there." Harry cut him off, turning away from them to look at the window instead.

Niall was about to say something, apologize for his outburst, but when Harry's like this, he knows to back off. With a heavy and guilty heart, he let Liam guide him upstairs.

"I'm so sorry, Zayn. This is all my fault." Harry said quietly, letting his tears fall, "I can't believe I'm so fucking careless, and you were the one who took the fall. Now you were being held by a fucking criminal, I don't even want to know what he did to you at that fucking motel. That disgusting pig probably fucking ruined your innocence."

Harry's full on crying now with that thought, he was blaming himself over and over again.


"Rain rain go away..." Zayn sang softly as he stared at the window, tracing the droplets that slides down, his tail swaying softly, "Come again another day..."

They are currently at the kitchen, Zayn woke up an hour ago. He decided to explore the whole place but seeing nothing but empty rooms bore the young hybrid immediately so he decided to go play with Louis. However, when he got to the kitchen, where Louis was, Louis was just sitting at the table staring at a paper. Zayn was curios, but immediately go bored when all he saw was words. He asks for Louis to play with him, but Louis just shrugged him away. Zayn then realized that it isn't raining as hard as earlier and he wanted to play at the puddles when he saw the view outside, but Louis wouldn't let him. So now he just sits there and stare at outside, singing the nursery rhyme song in hopes of stopping the rain.

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