[7] The Last Supper: Third Violation

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Master You's words effectively alarmed the crowd.

Silence was instantly restored in the cabin, and everyone felt panicked.

Knowing that You Huo was just waiting for the hunter to take out all the tableware, everyone relaxed.

Of course, everyone's reaction was understandable; without context, You Huo's statement must sound very cold, heartless. They also didn't know You Huo very well, so the fact that he was waiting for dinner? Served by a hunter that they just concluded ate humans?

No wonder they were all panicking.

The soundproofing in the kitchen wasn't very good and the sound of something being dragged was heard.

Soon after, there was a heavy sound. It sounded like... Something large and frozen thrown onto the counter.

After a while, the sound of bones being cut was heard.

The sounds followed one after another.

Some examinees covered their ears. They did not want to hear all of this.

Their only saving grace was that the hunter was doing this in the kitchen and not out in the open. Not like the bullshit You Huo had to do with that damn confinement room...

The clockhand above the cabinet moved slowly. Every second felt excruciatingly long.

After about an entire century, the door to the kitchen finally opened.

The smell that wafted out had become even more strange.

It was like the smell from earlier but now there was also an additional trace of blood and fishiness.


"Oh fucking god..."

"It can get worse!?"

At this point, even the invigilators, who were all military personnel and had seen their own fair share of disgusting things, either in real life or in the System, were starting to get sick.

Hunter A took out a dark cloth and used it to wipe his hands.

He stuck his head out and smiled at everyone: "It's almost done. You know what? Meat that has been frozen before tastes very good. With a little bit of ice, it's both chewy and crunchy..."

As the pale faced man described it, he appeared to be happily visualizing it in his mind. He then said: "You'll love it."



"... What a psychopath..."

Yu Wen huddled amongst the ground. With his brother awake, he now had the courage to curse out: "Fuck... what a psychopath."

"Aha! You think like Yu Wen!"

"You too!"

"Shut up!"

The examinees all started joking around, trying to find any way to alleviate the tension and distract them from the fact that the fucking hunter had just chopped up a human body and was trying to serve it to a group of people who could barely handle porridge, let alone raw human flesh and bones-

You Huo gave them half a minute to settle themselves and their sick stomachs (and to let Wen Yuan and Shu Xue help 154 after he nearly choked on his water again), before continuing.

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