[33] Guess Who I am: Unknown Penalty

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At this moment, everyone's attitude towards the invigilator had changed. Afterall, this Mr. 001 had just destroyed the examination center and even saved their lives.

Qin Jiu was smiling like the cheeky little shit he was, as everyone rolled their eyes at him. He probably enjoyed the destruction of the examination center more than the examinees themselves.

They had always thought that Qin Jiu was equivalent to the system and had considered him to be from the opposing side.

But now it seems... not to be the case?

At the very least, it wasn't completely so.

They didn't expect the invigilator to also end up receiving punishment. They were very surprised by this.

The invigilators couldn't help but snort.

If Qin Jiu wasn't punished for his actions... he'd probably destroy any examination center he set his hands on, burn down the Invigilator's District, and run rampage with his destruction.

"Wait... hold on..." Zhao Jiatong looked up, "Isn't the usual punishment..."

The invigilators all shared a look, their eyes glinting with glee.

If the System was being stupid... this was going to be catastrophe of epic proportions!

However, the system appeared to think that it was an internal affair between them and did not have any intention to elaborate further.

Those crows opened their mouths together and added:

【After the deduction, the total score is still higher than this exam's average score.】

There was even more cheering... especially from the invigilators, who seemed especially enthusiastic.

【Reward: Examinee You Huo has received the right to draw once.】

There was another round of cheering.

You Huo was getting another Reward Card! That was awesome!

Two exams, three Reward Cards; You Huo really was a god amongst men!

Considering the results from the last examination too, it looked like rewards will be issued if total scores were above average or if there was outstanding performance.

154 snorted internally.

Outstanding performance, my ass; You Huo did so well he fucking broke the whole damned stage and set it on fire.

154 wasn't around when Qin Jiu was an examinee, destroying buildings and examination centers like there was no tomorrow... so seeing all this destruction was still rather new to him...

As much as it pained him to see this, oddly enough, he found that he didn't mind it too much. After seeing just how many people had died in one examination center... he'd say that this bit of destruction didn't nearly make up for the amount of pain and suffering the System had been inflicting...

And maybe, that pain was deserved.

He was a part of the System, after all. In some way... all this pain was his fault. It was just his form of retribution.

The rewarded examinee would be the one who earned the most points during the exam.

This time You Huo scored nine points by sending out the packages to the villagers so he naturally was the one to receive the reward.

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