[22] Guess Who I am: Gravestone

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Shu Xue wanted to cry.

Her memory... her memory definitely had some issues, muddled after her death. She no longer remembered whatever the Black Widow had said in her last Romani exam, nor understood the Black Widow's Romani, now that she had repeated the audio passage.

But this man... she definitely recognized him.

The Romani exam was the first exam she had done... and the only exam she had done as a proper examinee.

Hadn't she done the Romani exam with him?

Hadn't he taken her under his wing, also trying his best to help while not entirely relying on her, the only person who knew Romani, to solve the exams?

Hadn't she cried over him, when she had found his missing body?

Hadn't she spent her last day in that cursed Romani exam, trying to find his body so she could, at least... set up a grave for him?

He had been so kind and caring to her...

Hadn't he... told her that if they were fated, they could meet in a certain city in Zhejiang...

"Yes, I've seen you before." The male villager grabbed You Huo's hand.

His palms were rough like sandpaper. It was both hard and cold.

You Huo withdrew his hand. He had a bad expression.

"Where have you seen us?" He flexed his wrist as he asked.

The examinees were all tense.

An examinee from Qin Jiu's time... and neither You Huo nor Qin Jiu knew remembered. It was no wonder You Huo might be curious about this NPC who might be able to shed some light on his forgotten past.

The male villager stood in place and was blank for a few seconds. Then, as if he didn't hear that question, he repeated: "I have definitely seen you... I've seen you."

They frowned.

Had he not heard the question? Had dying and turning into an NPC given him brain damage? Or memory problems? His mind seemed to be in some sort of daze... like he was trying his best to remember but couldn't really remember...

It was overall a sucky, sucky situation.

"Ah, he's at it again." The woman placed down the chisel and sighed: "Sorry about this. This person has some issues."

"What do you mean?"

"He's not so good here." The woman pointed to her head and explained, "It comes and goes. When it relapses, he likes to grab people and say that they look familiar and that he had seen them somewhere before. Or he would just go around asking people 'Do you know me?', 'Do you remember me?'"

The examinees frowned some more.

This certainly could be written off as some sort of odd personality quirk... but now that You Huo had confirmed that they really had met...

This man just wanted to be remembered, before he died.

The only two people who were likely to remember, Qin Jiu, the kind yet troublemaking examinee, and Invigilator A, the only invigilator who could handle said troublemaking examinee... they lost their memories too.

They didn't remember.

As soon as she said that, the male villager grabbed Qin Jiu's hand. He asked in a quiet voice: "You know me. Do you remember me?"

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