[13] Guess Who I am: Rest Stop

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A/N I referred some stuff from the manhua XD So if you see like... additional "reactions" to stuff that isn't exactly from the book, you can check the manhua scenes. 


「Announcement. Break will be ending in 5 minutes.」

It didn't take long for everyone to finish up their meals. Despite knowing that this was a relatively safe space, having a robotic, disembodied voice giving them orders, especially with a time crunch, was more than enough to remind of them of the horrors within the real System.

Everyone was back in the original room. Most people had stocked up on fluids like water, juice, and colas, and some had even brought along some extra snacks in case this viewing experience was longer than the previous one.

After ensuring that everyone had settled down, You Huo allowed the viewing experience to continue.

The travel down the mountain was very long. Everyone was extremely silent as they walked.

Half of the reason was because they were scared by the bald man turning into the hunter,

The chippy mood from the break immediately disappeared. All of them looked depressed at the reminder that the hunter wasn't just an NPC... it had been an examinee. One of their own, consumed by the System and twisted into becoming one of its own hands...

and the other half was because they were freezing cold.

Everyone shuddered.

And they thought walking between the examination center an the invigilator's quarters had been bad enough...

You Huo, Yu Wen, Mike and the gangster were the only ones who were even remotely properly dressed for such a long trek.

This group of people walked on for about half an hour before the static scenery finally started to change.

Everyone's hearts softened at the sight.

The sight of You Huo and Mike taking care of the twins, was adorable. Yu Wen was helping Shu Xue, and even the tattooed guy, as brash and rude as he was, was helping one of the elderly ladies without even being asked. He clearly wasn't that bad of a guy.

The endless pine trees suddenly opened up and the road they were walking along connected with a larger road at the base of the mountain. There was a stone monument sitting next to the road.

On one side it wrote: Jiming Mountain.

The other side wrote: 100m ahead.

"Jiming Mountain... isn't it that super run down rest stop?" Someone asked.

"...?" Some of the examinees who hadn't been to that particular rest stop were confused.

"There are 5 rest stops in total. The first is the one you're going to see soon. The second one is a military base where you can buy weapons. The third is a Casino where you can win points or reward cards." Chu Yue explained, "The forth is a place where you can eat and play to your hearts content, and the fifth gives you various discounts on store items."

"Can you pick which rest stops to go to?" An examinee asked.

"Nope." Another invigilator replied, "It's assigned to you after each exam."

The name Jiming Mountain reminded them of the dead chickens hanging from the doors in the hunter's cabin. It was clearly referring to the mountain they had come down from.

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