[38] You Seem Delicious: Open Question

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The old man adjusted the sails and then he wiped his hands on his pants.

After jumping off the helm, his eyes glanced back and forth between You Huo and Qin Jiu.

"How can two young and healthy men like you stand there while a weak old man like me is worked to the bones?" The old man revealed his ripped arms that were twice the size of most people.

What do you mean weak old man...


"Yeah, what weak old man!?"

"He's fucking buff!"

Some examinees were terrified that this NPC might just split their heads open like a watermelon if they pissed him off.

"Do you think he takes steroids?"

"Shut the fuck up, man!"

Qin Jiu smiled and said: "The weak must feel wronged."

Old man: "..."

Angered, he sent a harsh glare at Qin Jiu: "Don't just stand around with your arms crossed. I'm most annoyed by young people who stand around with a cold expression acting all aloof!"

"... Why is A being dragged into this?" Gao Qi huffed, "He didn't do anything!"

You Huo visibly rolled his eyes and glared at Qin Jiu, but there was no heat behind his actions.

The latter just laughed.

The innocent You Huo found himself dragged into the situation: "... What do you need help with?"

The old man kicked the deck and said: "The hinges are a little rusted. I can't fix it alone so help me open it up. Otherwise you will just have to shrivel up on the deck!"

Some people deadpanned.

How the fuck was that Qin Jiu and You Huo's problem?

And the hinges were on the underside of the trap door, since it probably opened outwards. How were they expected to fix the hinges if they ha no access to it?

An what the fuck did this have to do with History anyways!?

But they didn't want the duo to freeze to death, or brave the horrible weather...

Alright then.

You Huo was rendered speechless. He stretched out his feet and gave the deck a stomp to test its sturdiness.

That act of his was purely done out of habit, but he soon found himself stepping onto Qin Jiu's shoe instead.


The moderates couldn't help but glare at Qin Jiu for getting in You Huo's way and "framing" him for doing something bad, while the hardliners, not daring to glare at You Huo himself, opted to glare at the hostile moderates instead for their boss stomping on Qin Jiu's foot.

"What is this tension?" Wen Yuan whispered to 154, who just sighed, watching as the reserve invigilators, clearly unsure of how to react, glanced between the two groups warily.

Qin Jiu just snickered while You Huo internally groaned.

You Huo: "..."

Qin Jiu: "This examinee, aren't you being too childish?"

"I'm checking the deck. Why did you put your foot there?"

"What a coincidence, so am I." Qin Jiu said.

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