[68] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Front and Back Seat

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The youthful and spirited students during the day slowly fell silent as evening came.

It was like their courage had left them together with the setting sun.

The third year's evening self-study classes still continued. Essay analysis, question analysis, and practicing difficult exercises were among the tasks they needed to do.

Almost immediately, the mood in the room turned sour as tired groans rang out.

They had all been students before, being unable to relax or do anything to enjoy themselves in fear they'd get distracted from their studies and get bad grades, and would end up being disappointments to their families who just wanted them to get good grades to have the highest chance of success in the incredibly competitive country called China...

Whether they liked Chinese or not, it didn't matter; no one enjoyed being cooped up in a room and forced to sit down for weeks on end, doing question after question, performing essay analysis, and constantly getting grilled by their teachers and parents for being careless or not doing well enough.

As soon as the little fatty Zhang Ming entered the classroom, he immediately turned silent and obediently returned to his seat.

"Here, pass it back. Do these two readings and we'll go through it in the next class." Chinese teacher Yu Luo stood on the podium, divided her stack of papers into six smaller piles and gave it to the first desk on each row.

To avoid students pairing up to chat, the desks in the classroom were single desks; one for each student. You Huo looked around. There are 46 students in this class. There were two seats vacant at the end of one of the rows.

As soon as Qin Jiu and he entered the classroom, they caught everyone's attention. The little brats stretched their necks out and quietly whispered to their neighboring seats.

Some people snorted.

Of course these kids would find some kind of distraction and start gossiping about them.

Especially when said distractions were two incredibly hot men that would make any teenaged boy immediately insecure of their looks and make all the female students swoon like they had just met their favorite idol.

"Who are these two?"

"I don't know. I saw them earlier at the field."

"I heard the principal invited them here."

"What are they here for?"

"What else. It's obvious isn't it?"

"Ghost catching?"

"Capturing the great god?"

"They look like this?!"

These were the boys.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the reactions of the boys.

It wasn't surprising; if they were their age, they'd probably think that You Huo and Qin Jiu were some kind of powerful Greek gods or celebrities, based on their good looks alone.

If they added in You Huo's cold, proud demeanor and Qin Jiu's fiery, chaotic personality... well, they would all probably be melting into a gooey puddle instantly.



These were the girls.

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