[66] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Dreams Come True

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As one gets older, they easily become lost in thought. This was especially so when recalling the past.

When the old man returned to his senses, he saw a pair of well-defined hands reach over before him, slap the control button and then retract back.

The old man looked up. Qin Jiu shot him a smile: "You can continue. We'll help ourselves."

"You say this is your first time, but you clearly know what to do." Gao Qi crossed his arms.

Qin Jiu simply shrugged, "There's not many buttons there. It's got to be one of them."

"Nah, you probably have some impression of the place after being sent there twelve fucking times." 058 laughed.

When he was done saying that, he strode over to the French window. There, the other rule-violating examinee waited.


The window disappeared in an instant. The cold winter night wind rushed in.

Qin Jiu and You Huo barely reacted to the cold.

Qin Jiu wasn't one to be bothered by the cold weather, and for You Huo... he had already endured the harshest, coldest winter the System could dish out; with the very same bright and passionate person currently by his side... this was nothing.

That examinee stood on the very edge of the platform outside the window looking out at the bright city lights below. Looking from the side, his thin eyelids were half drooped and his expression was both cold and calm.

For a moment, the old man had a strange thought-

If that invigilator that vaguely existed in his memory took off his sunglasses, he would probably have eyes and brows like his.

The invigilators and examinees made a variety of noises, but otherwise, no one really commented on it.

It was quite clear that if the old man had some impression of Qin Jiu, it made sense that he would also somewhat remember the only invigilator that could be dispatched to handle him, even if he never really saw You Huo's face that had been obscured by his sunglasses.


After You Huo observed for a while, he turned his head and asked: "Go down from here?"

The old man internally felt that even the way they spoke was the same.

Like that invigilator, they would always speak in a very unenthusiastic tone.

Even if he talked a bit more now... it seemed like Qin Jiu had been able to press You Huo's buttons in the past, and the old You Huo that talked a little (even if it was out of annoyance) had only been seen by Qin Jiu and this old mam who had been overseeing Qin Jiu's punishments, and You Huo's overall proud attitude and cold demeanor were very unique to Invigilator A.

It wasn't too out of the ordinary for the old man to think that they were rather similar.

Seeing that it was his first time here, the old man reassured: "Yes, just go down from there. If you look down and to the right, you should see a long ladder. You can just follow that down."

You Huo looked down next to his feet.

Nailed to the wall were individual bars one after another. From top to bottom, you couldn't see the end of it.

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