[83] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Mischief

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"... Since we have been sent here and the number of patients correspond, there must be something we can do. I mean, didn't the nun mention it? There were doctors before who were able to treat the patients. Although there weren't many, it wasn't none."

"... Were the past examinees really able to treat them though?"

The examinees tried to think back to what the nun had said about previous doctors...

"She did say something like... there aren't many doctors who can treat them, right? Which does mean that there were some who were able to treat these "patients"..."

After You Huo and Qin Jiu left, the other examinees didn't remain idle.

They tried to get more information from the patients or find clues hidden in the church.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

While You Huo and Qin Jiu went to confront the nun, the others should definitely be using this period of relative safety (while the nun, who was seemingly in charge right now, was occupied by the two great masters) to find some information.

Gao Qi and Zhao Jiatong became the leaders of this group.

The invigilators snickered childishly and shot several thumbs up at the two moderates.

Gao Qi just glared at them indignantly, while Zhao Jiatong sighed.

Of course they'd be acting like that when they weren't the ones dealing with the examinations first hand...

She'd like to see how they acted while in an exam with the two demon kings...

"These patients have already become like this. I don't think the so-called treatment is what it means in a literal sense." Gao Qi looked carefully at the carvings at the base of the stone pillar and said: "Search everywhere. If you find anything share it with everyone."

Getting more information or clues, even if they seemed rather worthless, was better than nothing.

And they still had to figure out how the Duke played into all of this; right now, he just seemed like a rather twisted sponsor of some sort, instead of the actual main exam subject.

Zhao Jiatong added: "First, find things related to the patients. Afterall, they are the key to the current problem.

"Things related to the "patients"?"

"Like... clothes? Identity cards?"

"No, no... More like... a journal, or random scrawls or something." Chu Yue waggled her hand, "You know, like graffiti. Even if they are random scribbles made while the "patients" were all delusional, it's still a clue. Perhaps something on their mind that's worth investigating..."

Although they themselves are already..."

She wanted to say "neither a human nor a ghost" but because she felt a little bad for them, she changed her words: "They no longer remember, there should be traces left behind. It might possibly be a clue."

"That makes sense."

Everyone nodded along, especially after hearing and understanding Chu Yue's statement.

Even a particularly bloody wall could be an indication of a secret trap door or something of the sort... and since these "patients" have been stuck in the church and suffering for so long, there would be very little reason for them to be doing anything, let alone walking around; anything that stood out was probably something significant enough to warrant an investigation.

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